Supporting Vocational Teachers and Trainers in e-Learning (e)VET2EDU No PL1-LEO
Leonardo da Vinci project 9 partners from 8 counties: Coordinator: Centre of e-Learning, AGH- University of Science and Technology, Poland CARNet, Croatia RPIC-ViP, Czech Republic Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania CPI, Slovenia Universidad de Murcia, Spain CESIE, Italy HIST, Norway Obrtna tehnicka skola, Croatia No PL1-LEO
24 months (October 2012 – October 2014) 8 WPs: User’s requirements analysis Translation of the course and manual Course and manual adaptation Testing/piloting and evaluation Exploitation and sustainability Project Management Dissemination Projects’ Quality assurance No PL1-LEO
Aims and objectives Supporting VET trainers and teachers Offering innovative pedagogies and methods for VET Adapting a course on e-learning in VET Transferring a course for VET sector Offering course as open resource in 9 languages with a detailed facilitator manual. No PL1-LEO
Increasing didactic and digital competences of VET trainers and teachers Raising awareness of online educational solutions based on innovative pedagogy Increasing the visibility and role of VET in regular education system and lifelong learning No PL1-LEO Aims and objectives
We are offering Open source e-learning course for VET Exploration of need and requirements in VET Model of combining pedagogy, technology and content in one e-course Community of VET teachers with similar experiences and challenges No PL1-LEO
Further information #evet #evet2edu No PL1-LEO