Major Art Modality Utilized: Visual Art, Creative Movement, Technology Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Body-Kinesthetic, Visual-Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will learn about the basics of Greek architecture through movement and creating a full-class art mural of a Greek frieze. Materials Needed: Pictures of Greek columns and friezes, a roll of bulletin board paper (white or light blue). Access to a computer lab to complete Web-quest. Procedures: 1. Initially introduce students to a variety of topics dealing with society and art in ancient Greece by completing the Trip to Ancient Greece web-quest from Zunal (created by Bryer McKenzie for his 4 th grade Social Studies class). This web-quest focuses on food, clothing, art, geography, and architecture found in ancient Greece. Each student has a research responsibility that they then share with the group as a whole. The group uses the research to create a travel brochure to advertize a “Time Travel Trip” to ancient Greece. 2. After completing the web-quest, students are ready to participate in the “Column Dance.” Teach the students three different poses for the three different types of columns (consult the Arts & Activities article for examples of column poses). Play an upbeat marching song and have the students move around the space. At random intervals, call out “Doric!” “Ionic!” “Corinthian!” and the students should immediately stop moving and assume the different poses for the columns. Discuss how the different types of columns and other elements of Greek architecture are present in modern America. Ask students to identify places where they have seen Greek architecture in their lives. Standards Addressed in this Lesson: examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE (GPS) (SSWH_C ) visualize and generate ideas with a variety of 2-D and 3-D art methods and materials to create through a process of authentic engagement (GPS) (6VA_A explore the process of critical analysis of art (description, interpretation, analysis, and judgment) using own artwork or the artwork of others (GPS) (6VA_D ) Standards Addressed in this Lesson: examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE (GPS) (SSWH_C ) visualize and generate ideas with a variety of 2-D and 3-D art methods and materials to create through a process of authentic engagement (GPS) (6VA_A explore the process of critical analysis of art (description, interpretation, analysis, and judgment) using own artwork or the artwork of others (GPS) (6VA_D ) SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Social Studies & Visual Arts- Greek Frieze (6 th -8 th Grade) SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Social Studies & Visual Arts- Greek Frieze (6 th -8 th Grade) Page 1 of 3
Area for Teacher Notes: Procedures: (Continued) 3. Show the students pictures of the Parthenon and then the Supreme Court building. Ask the students to identify similarities and differences between the two pictures. Identify the friezes in both pictures and ask the students to describe what they see. Hopefully they will notice the figures in different poses, arranged to match the shape of the roofline. This would be a good opportunity to introduce the concept of “profile” (showing a side view of a person or animal). 4. Lay the bulletin board paper out in the hallway and have the students choose an active pose (Running, leaping, etc), then have the student lay on the paper and trace the outline to capture their pose. Try to have a variety of heights and poses, making sure you have some facing either direction. 5. Using colored pencils or markers, decorate their silhouette. They may draw in clothing or props. They can color their silhouette to look like themselves or not. When they are finished, have them cut out the figures and as a class determine how they can arrange the figures to best illustrate a Greek frieze. Tape them either in the hallway on the wall or on a wall in the classroom. 6. Students can share their “Time Travel” brochures that they made as a part of the web- quest with the rest of the class. SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Social Studies & Visual Arts- Greek Friezes (6 th to 8 th Grade) SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Social Studies & Visual Arts- Greek Friezes (6 th to 8 th Grade) Page 2 of 3
Assessment: Students should be able to identify the three major types of Greek columns and recognize the elements of Greek architecture that can be found in modern buildings. Resources/ Links: Web-quest Link: The main idea for this lesson comes from the educational magazine Arts & Activities: SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Social Studies & Visual Arts- Greek Friezes Page 3 of 3