On Monday, to start off Health Week, we had an Electricity Safety talk. We learned about how many volts are in underground cables, overhead cables and the cables in the home. At the end we had a quiz and Edward won.
We played charades with Mrs Crookshanks. We had to act out feelings.
This week we started Fruit Stop! At 2 o’clock we all stop, get our fruit and have a short break. It is good fun!
On Tuesday we carried out a survey to find out how healthy our school grounds are. We wrote down lots of ideas for improvements.
The results showed that most people were happy and active in the school grounds. We organised the results by using a tally chart and then displayed them on graphs.
After school on Tuesday the Pupil Council held a school disco. It was exciting.
On Wednesday we went to the Berwickshire High School for our sports. First Mr Christie took us for a warm up and then we got started with out races and events.
It was very cold! We finished off with a game of Softball.
We were making leaflets for a competition to help adults keep their children safe near roads.
To learn about different emotions we had a happy days. We each picked out a happy emotion from a bag and we had to be that emotion all day.
In maths we were learning how to draw graphs. We learned how to draw the scale, label the axis and plot the data accurately. Our graphs showed our results for the Westruther Challenge in 2009 and this year. We could then see if we had improved.
Alison worked with us and we talked about people who help us and who we help.
On Friday we did drama outside because it was about the playground. We listened to a poem called The Loner and did lots of still pictures and discussions. We thought about what it would be like to be the loner and how we could help them.
“ I enjoyed doing drama outside. I learnt what it would feel like to be alone.” Katie “I had so much fun at Choices for Life on Tuesday. It was great but I have a sore throat now. I learnt about drugs and alcohol.” Edward “I had fun at the Westruther Challenge and I have learnt about different types of drugs.” Oliver “I had fun playing softball at the high school and I learnt that all medicines are drugs.” Ethan
“I enjoyed doing drama outside and I learned how to make a graph on the computer.” Molly “I learnt how to make a graph. I enjoyed the new maths game of Top Trumps because it was fun.” Ruth “I had an absolutely brilliant time at Choices for Life. I learnt about drugs and alcohol.” Jessica “ I enjoyed our drama outside about The Loner. I learnt how to make a graph on the computer.” Nell “I enjoyed the Westruther Challenge and I have learnt how to solve problems using multiplication.” Callum