Introduction and Diet Therapy Review NS335 Unit 1 Melinda Boyd, MPH, MHR, RD
Seminar 1 - Outline 1. Get to know each other 2. Syllabus Review 3. Questions 4. Discuss this Seminar’s Topic
A little about me… I have also posted my bio for you to read in the classroom
Now – your turn Tell us an interesting fact about yourself! Get your typing fingers ready….
Questions? I will try to put in questions? Slides throughout the seminar power point. I can answer questions at any time. To get my attention – type just a ??? or *** As soon as I finish my thought, I will answer your question. If you are still unclear – send me an and I will get to it right after seminar or within 24 hours.
Moving forward Let’s look at the syllabus
First, the basics Here is my contact info: Kaplan Address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: melindaseffRD Office hours by appointment
Moving on! Did everyone find their eText documents in DocSharing? This is what we are using for this course If you cannot find them, please me after seminar and I will help you.
Course Description Studies in this course emphasize the nutrition and dietetic considerations for individuals with special needs. The coursework includes dietary and clinical assessment, designing appropriate protocols for clients with chronic progressive degenerative diseases as well as for special needs infants, children and elderly. The course addresses the underlying principles of total parenteral nutrition and nasogastric tube-feeding. This is a very structured course, and the work you do in the textbook is essential to your understanding, so be sure to cover it thoroughly. The foundation that you build by learning the principles in this course will be incredibly helpful to you as you continue in your studies and as you begin your professional career.
Course Outcomes Upon successfully completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Design appropriate nutrition care plans for special populations. 2. Develop dietetic and nutritional protocols for clients with chronic progressive degenerative diseases. 3. Design appropriate diets for infants and children with special needs. 4. Develop appropriate protocols for surgical and burn patients. 5. Summarize diet planning principles for clients with metabolic disorders. 6. Explain principles governing diet and nutrition protocols for patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or nasogastric tube feedings (TF).
Why do I need to know this? Having read the course outcomes, how will NS335 Special Populations, be important to your career?
Grading Criteria/ Course Evaluation Grade Distribution and Weighting Total Points 9 Weekly Seminars (optional) 0 9 Discussion Questions (40 pts each) Quizzes (40 pts each)320 3 Projects pts, pts)320 TOTAL: 1000 points
When will I get my grades? All course projects submitted on time will be graded within five days of their due date (the Sunday of the following unit) Late work will be graded within five days of the submission date
Course Policies – How to Label Your Work Projects: Please label your projects: username-project-unit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllen-Anatomical Terminology-Unit 3.doc. Subject Lines: Please start your subject lines in correspondence with Course & section username: SUBJECT_OF_MESSAGE (for example, HS101-3-TAllen: Question regarding project)
My dog ate my homework…
Late Work Policy - Late work will not be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately—prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due- date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather- related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points. Please be prepared to send me via (or fax if needed) the documentation for this request. No extensions will be approved and no grades will be updated until this is received.
Projects & Reports You will have 3 Projects A description of all projects & reports to be completed can be found under each of the units in the course. Projects are due Tuesday 11:59 pm ET of their assigned Unit. All Projects must be submitted in APA format with appropriate citations in text with reference page. If you have any questions about this please refer to Kaplan’s Writing Center or contact me. ALL PROJECTS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE DROP BOX TO ENSURE CREDIT (if you have technical issues and the deadline is near, me as back up!) If given a page length minimum, it must be at least that amount. So a 3 page paper should be at least 3 full pages, not 2½.
How do I get an A on my Projects & Reports?? Be sure to take a look at the project/report grading rubric in the syllabus To get an A: % Focuses clearly on the assignment. Well organized. Shows original and critical thought. Answers all questions with clarity, thought and substance, using references and examples as appropriate. The writing style is appropriate to the assignment, interesting to read, accurate (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy). Contains very few if any spelling, grammatical, or other errors.
Seminars Are OPTIONAL, but are beneficial to your learning. The slides will be posted in DocSharing.
Discussion Boards Each unit you will be required to participate in the discussion board. Unit 1 is the only time you will find two separate discussions (the Introduction Discussion is not graded) The other units there will only be 1-2 discussion questions. Please complete the initial post for the one or two assigned questions by the Saturday deadline. Complete 2 other “thoughtful-furthering the discussion” posts on 2 separate days
How do I get an A in the Discussion boards?? Post initial response to the original discussion question(s) no later than Saturday of that unit Make at least 2 thoughtful responses to classmates, not just agree or disagree. Responses are on topic, original & contribute to the quality and advancement of the discussion References are utilized where appropriate and are cited using APA format, but please keep in mind all posts will require some form of research so you will need at least 1 for each initial post on each question. Responses meet posted length requirements. Responses are clearly written and contain few spelling/grammatical errors.
Referencing in the Discussions When you are posting to the discussion boards, please remember to reference your material! If it is not a thought that comes straight from your head, you must reference the source of your material, even if this is information you learned in a previous class. Points will be deducted if material is not referenced We must give credit where credit is due
Plagiarism – Don’t do it! Plagiarism - Using another person’s words, ideas, or results without giving proper credit to that person; giving the impression that it is the student’s own work Please read the syllabus regarding the specifics of plagiarism Kaplan University subscribes to a third-party plagiarism detection service, and reserves the right to check all student work to verify that it meets the guidelines of this policy Penalties for Plagiarism: 1st offense: Failure of the assignment in which the action occurred. 2nd offense: Failure of the class in which the action occurred. 3rd offense: Expulsion or permanent dismissal from the University.
Diet Therapy is the use of any diet for restoring or maintaining optimal nutritional status and body homeostasis This is accomplished by modifying one or more of the following aspects of the diet: 1) Basic nutrient (s) 2) Caloric contribution 3) Texture or consistency 4) Seasonings
What can affect how a patient eats???
Routine Hospital Diets “Name that Diet Game” I will give you a description a typical hospital diet “Buzz in” by typing a # into the chat box. Wait until I call on you to type in your response. The first person to correctly identify the type of assessment wins that question.
Name that Diet This diet permits tea, coffee or coffee substitute, fat-free broth, fruit juice, ginger ale, fruit juice, flavored gelatin, fruit ices, and water gruels (strained and liquefied cooked cereals are sometimes given)
Clear liquid diet
Name that Diet This diet changes the texture of foods. It is used for clients who have difficulty swallowing. Example, those with partial paralysis of the throat following a stroke (CVA) or patients undergoing radiation treatment for neck and throat cancers.
Dysphagia diet
Name that Diet This diet is limited to soft foods for those who have difficulty chewing food because of missing teeth or poorly fitting dentures
Mechanically Altered Diet
So give yourself a hand!
Alternative Feeding Tube Feeding Parenteral Feeding via Peripheral Vein Parenteral Feeding by Central Vein
Tube Feeding Known as Enteral Feeding. Used for patients who have enough functioning GI tract to digest and absorb food
Parental Peripheral Nutrition -Can be known as PPN -Nutrient fluids entering a peripheral vein can be saline with 5-10% dextrose, amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, and medications -Appropriate when enteral feedings are contraindicated
Total Parenteral Nutrition
Used when a patient is severely depleted nutritionally or if the GI tract cannot be used. Via a catheter (usually the subclavian to the superior vena cava) Is a sterile mixture of glucose, amino acids, and micronutrients