25 th of March 2013 IEFP, IP The Portuguese Public Employment Service IEFP, IP The Portuguese Public Employment Service Active Employment Measures for young people Active Employment Measures for young people
People involved in Active Employment and Vocational Training Measures
Expenditure in Active Employment and Vocational Training Measures Million Euros
Young people involved in Active Employment and Vocational Training Measures
Goals: To complete and develop young people skills, by improving their employability profile To promote the professional integration of unemployed jobseekers, looking for a new job, whom have recently improved their level of qualifications Supporting the transition between the education system and the labour market To promote employers awareness of new training and skills, as well as job creation in new areas To support improving skills improvement and restructuring of the productive structure Employment– Estágios Profissionais (On-the-Job Training)
3 month’s after
What is it? Training courses, allowing the interchange between a training institution and on-the- job training, aimed at young people who favor integration in the labour market, and also allowing further studies Beneficiaries: Young people under the age of 25 years, with lower secondary education, and having not completed higher secondary education or equivalent Training Organizations : IEFP, IP Vocational Training Centres Accredited Public and Private Training Organizations Other Orginazations Support to the Beneficiaries: Scholarship for study material Professionalization allowance Meals allowance Transport costs Childcare allowance Vocational Training – Apprenticeship System