Dr. Joni L. Swanson Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Geneseo CUSD #228 Geneseo, IL
Estimated 80% (2.56 million) of eligible high school students entering higher education in fall 2008 28% = US adults ages 29 and older with a degree in 2005
“The effects of grades and tests diminish in time, but the stuff of learning does not go away.” Clifford Adelman, “Answers in the Toolbox”, 1999
Adelman, C., Answers in the toolbox, US Dept. of Education. National Commission on the High School Senior Year, The lost opportunity of senior year: Finding a better way. Venezia, A., Kirst, M., and Antionio, A., Betraying the college dream: How disconnected K-12 and post- secondary education systems undermine student aspirations, The Stanford Bridge Project. Adelman, C., The toolbox revisited, US Dept. of Education.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) CLEP (College Level Examination Program) IB (International Baccalaureate) IB (International Baccalaureate) AP (Advanced Placement®) AP (Advanced Placement®) Early University Entrance Programs Early University Entrance Programs Early College High Schools Early College High Schools DE (Dual Enrollment, Dual Credit, Concurrent Enrollment) DE (Dual Enrollment, Dual Credit, Concurrent Enrollment)
High school and/or college credits On or off campus College hired instructor College transcripts and transferable credit Accelerate students’ post-secondary entry
NACEP –1999, accreditation and credit recognition NCES –2005, census studies from WICHE –2006, policy report on acceleration programs ☛ High school students are the fastest growing population of students at community colleges
Prior StudiesCurrent Research ✄ Convenience samples: local or state-wide data ✄ Inconsistent statistical controls ✄ Case studies, limited generalizability ☝ National data set ☝ Applied inferential statistics and control variables ☝ Use of variables from transcript studies
Four Research Questions – Persistence via Credits and Continual Enrollment – Time to a Bachelor’s Degree – Highest Degree Attainment – Effects of Control Variables on Outcomes Original Causal Model based on theory – V. Tinto and R. Merton – Total Effects and Direct Effects
NELS Original Sample Independent Variable- TCREDD Control Variables – Demographics – High School Descriptors – College Descriptors Dependent Variables – Persistence – Time to BA Degree – Highest Degree Attainment Restricted Data – NELS-R – PETS (Post-secondary Education Transcript Study) – PETS Supplement – June 2004 Supplement
Causal Model
Logistic Regression via SPSS Unstandardized Parameter Estimates Standard Errors and DEFT (AM Software) Delta-p statistics ExpB (log odds) Model Probabilities Statistical significance at p <.05,.01 &.001
Research Results
DE students 11% more likely to persist to the 2 nd year than non-DE students (p <.01) DE students entering PSE directly after high school 17% more likely to persist to the 2 nd year (p <.001) DE students earning 20 + credits in the 1 st year PSE 28% more likely to persist to the 2 nd year (p <.001) DE participation did not significantly impact students earning 50+ credits by the end of the 2 nd year
Dual Enrollment participation alone decreased likelihood of BA in 4.56 years by 16% (p <.05) when controlling for college variables Earning 20 credits improved likelihood of BA in 4.56 years by 38% (p <.001) Continual enrollment in PSE improved likelihood of BA in 4.56 years by 41% (p <.001)
Certificate or Associates of Arts Degree ➔ With demographic variables, DE increased likelihood of AA by 14% (p >.05).
Bachelor’s Degree ➔ DE reduced likelihood of BA by 10% (p >.05) ➔ Students who entered PSE immediately after HS increased 26% to 28% ( p. <.001) ➔ Students who earned 20 credits in the 1 st year of PSE increased by 20% (p >.001) ➔ Students who continually enrolled through the 2 nd year increased by 23% (p >.001)
Degree Attainment Graduate Study or Degree DE, regressed alone, produced no statistically significant results Higher percentage of DE participating students completed graduate hours/degrees than non- participants DE students who continue in PSE increased likelihood of grad degree by 34.3% (p >.001)
Anticipatory Socialization (Merton, 1957) Social and Academic Integration (Tinto, 1975,1993, 1997) Anticipation of a BA Degree 12% greater likelihood for students who did not anticipate a degree (p <.01)
Statistically negative results for male and Hispanic students as compared to females and White students 1 st generation students less likely to earn 50+ credits in 2 years of PSE (-23%, p <. 001) Limitation of study = age of data & changing demographics in US
Academic Momentum – immediate entry to PSE, acquiring 20 credits by end of 1 st year, continuing in PSE to end of 2 nd year
“Nest Egg” Effect – credits are hard to give up
DE participation lays the groundwork for persistence DE students who continue in PSE to the 2 nd year have greater likelihood of degree attainment and of graduating in less than 4.56 years
Sociological Impact – participation in DE classes, especially for students without BA aspirations, improves likelihood of BA degree Integration both socially and academically to college and anticipation of college experience and habits Psychological boost to college success
✎ Counselors ✎ Teachers ✎ Students and Parents ✎ Course offerings – vocational & academic ✎ Low cost to districts and colleges ✎ Vertical articulation ✎ Assessments – course and COMPASS
✔ P-16 Collaborations and partnerships ✔ Ready for work; Ready to learn
Phone: Website for Executive Summary: events/nagc08.asp