....providing education and training opportunities of first choice
Introduction The National Skills development strategy was launched in February 2001 to ensure training opportunities for all citizens of SA. A National Skills development strategy was developed Provincial and Sector skills plans were developed Workplace skills plans have been developed and are in the process of development. Within the 12 Learning fields there are 25 SETA’s operating to ensure that unit standards and qualifications are generated so that opportunities for Life long learning can be created. The learning process will take place through implementation of accredited Skills and Learnership programs The whole process is guided by SAQA and Dept of Labour and funded by NSF and SETA funding. Quality of training is monitored overall by the ETQA’s of the SETA’s
Background The Legislation process which have been created to ensure quality Education and Training is: 1.The SAQA Act(1995) 2.The Skills development Act (1998) 3.The Skills development Levies Act(1999) The SAQA Act allows for setting of standards for education and training and quality assurance within the NQFsystem 12 learning fields exists with a NSB each which has the function of recommending standards and qualifications to SAQA for registration on the NQF The 12 fields are subdivided into subfields where the NSB is responsible to establish SGB’s which will develop standards and qualifications. SAQA accredits the ETQA bodies within the SETA’s and the ETQA monitors the quality of education and training delivered by the training providers. Education sector ETQA’s are UMALUSI and CHE SETA’s are organisations formed under the SD Act to administer the levy grant system, perform ETQA functions,develop and implement sector skills plans, develop and promote learnerships and skills programs and to enhance and interact with the economic sector that they represent.
Each of the 25 SETA’s have applied to SAQA for accreditation as ETQA bodies and have been accredited. Each SETA takes therefore responsibility for Quality Assurance in terms of it’s own role and functioning with other roleplayers such as DoL and to set QMS standards for Training Providers, Employers, Assessors, Moderators, Mentors, Learners and Learning materials and Workplaces where learning will be done.
QMS within Learnerships and Skills programs Management & Administration policies and procedures in place according to QMS. The procedures to deliver the learning programs will ensure the quality Therefore the development of excellent procedures is the key to quality education & training. The procedures need to be implemented in the correct way to ensure quality. The implementation of the procedures need to be monitored and assessed to ensure that all QMS are done correctly. Evaluation of the procedures is used to continually improve the delivery of the LP’s. This need to be done during or at completion of a learning program and will depend on the duration of such a program. Relevant documentation, equipment, facilities, trained staff and accredited learning materials and workplaces to conform to accreditation standards.
Processes in the delivery of a Learnership Set up a LS planning team and ID a person to take responsibility as leader to implement the LS. Consult with LS coordinators Campus, College and Provincial ID Learnership according to type & NQF level on the basis of a needs analysis. Determine which SETA is appropriate. Check SAQA or SETA website for information re. Learnership Plan Learnership in detail with regard to timeframe, sites workplace & theory, learners, learning materials & equipment, delivery, assessment, moderation, RPL, funding, staff, transport, contracts, outsourcing, etc. Establish partnerships with roleplayers such as employers and other providers Contact relevant SETA to apply for funding if needed. Get all contracts, forms and information from SETA. Recruit and select learners by various means, RPL and pre-test. Explain contracts to Learners and Employers and let them sign and process to the SETA. Checklist all relevant issues and make sure everything is in place. Wait for signed contracts to return and commence with training & learning. Assess, moderate, gather evidence such as portfolios and logbooks and keep records of attendance, problems, achievements, methods etc. The more records are kept the better evaluation can be done.. Process all forms & claims timeously and follow up. Support learners and assist where possible.
Skills Programs SP’s are short specific vocational programs which are accredited but will not necessarily lead to a National qualification. A combination of SP’s combined with Fundamentals may lead to a full qualification. SP’s can be used to enhance LS programs To deliver a SP the same basic procedures in planning of a LS is to be followed with the omission of certain elements re. contracts.
Valuable tips Train lecturing staff properly in OBE, Curriculum and training material development and how to interact with learners on a more personal level. Keep sufficient records. Build contacts with SETA officials Check SAQA website regularly for new development and standards. Take photos and video for future use and evidence. Make and keep contact with other training providers delivering similar LS programs and review on a regular basis to learn from their experiences. Train staff to facilitate and get the learner to learn by experience and putting theory into practice at the workplace. Train staff in practical work. Train staff to develop own assessment tools and ways of gathering evidence in many different ways.
Glossary of Terms ETQAEducation and Training Quality Assurance DoE Dept of Education DoL Dept. of Labour NQF National Qualifications Framework QMS Quality Management System SETA Sector Education & Training Authority NSF National Skills Fund SAQA South African Qualifications Authority CHECouncil for Higher Education SD Skills Development LP Learning Program LSLearnership SPSkills program