2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career Lesli Girard – Families Together Sean J. Smith – University of Kansas - Parents S1 – 112 Parents
Meaningful Family Involvement Where are we? – Access – Use Do we Integrate? What can AT/IT Do? Within the General/Special Education Initiatives
The term "assistive technology device" means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. What are we talking about?
Carter is a social energetic 6 th grader who was identified with a learning disability in the 2 nd grade. Challenged in the areas of reading and writing, his current IEP focuses on fluency and comprehension issues (e.g., identifying main idea, vocabulary) as well as the structuring/organizing ideas, vocabulary use, spelling, the mechanics of writing, and legibility.
OK, let’s assume AT/IT can serve Carter – – How would you determine the appropriate AT/IT for Carter? – What process would you follow to determine AT/IT solutions? – What framework would you consider? – Who would you consult with beyond your IEP Team?
1.Assistive technology needs must be considered along with the child's other educational needs as part of the IEP Process. 2.Lack of availability of equipment or cost alone cannot be used as an excuse for denying an assistive technology service. 3.Identification of technology needs must involve family members and a multidisciplinary team. 4.Parents or IEP members can ask for additional evaluation or an independent evaluation to determine AT needs.
Involve the Team – Those that Know your Child the Best Focus on the Challenges – Reading – Writing – Organization – Communication – What they can’t do!
Resources for AT/IT Consideration & Assessment Frameworks Used Indicators to Consider
AT in the IEP – How we Perceive the IEP Process – Roles of the IEP Team Members Challenges with the AT Consideration Process – Lack of Personnel – Lack of Knowledge – Lack of Time AT Abandonment
AT/IT – Family Needs? – Research/Literature – Family Friendly? – Family Focused?
2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career
Text-to-Speech Applications Free text-to-speech software Customize font and background color Reads text via Windows or Mac Reads emoticons such as :) or :( Adjustable voice speed (rate) Tool bar option of Copy/Paste Clip Board
Text-to-Speech Applications Premier Accessibility Suite – – Text-to-speech software – Audio output - multiple voices – Highlights text as it speaks – Static Toolbar Texthelp - Read and Write Gold – – Text-to-speech software – Audio output - multiple voices – Highlights text as it speaks – Reads on fly for any application
Your students will: Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency Read and interpret a variety of literary works Understand and acquire new vocabulary Monitor their own comprehension and make modifications when understanding breaks down Answer different types and levels of questions such as open-ended, literal, and interpretative as well as test-like questions such as multiple choice and short answer Paraphrase and summarize text to recall, inform, or organize ideas Describe mental images that text descriptions evoke Thinking Reader
Graphic Organizers
Gist Plan GIST is designed from the ground up for use in classrooms incorporating the Content Enhancement Routines. Developed with the KU- CRL, GIST offers a robust tool set for educators to create and present CE devices with diverse learners, teaching critical content to all.
2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career
Discovery Learning Animoto & KerPoof
2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career Universal Design for Learning Response to Intervention
Multiple Means of 1.Representation 2.Expression 3.Engagement
PM - Data to ensure success Tiers of Interventions – Tiers of Tools Problem Solving – Ongoing Consideration EBP – Effective tools
Applications feature Progress Monitoring Tools – Science Writer – Write Outloud – Read 180 – Host of other software applications
Connecting the EBP to Technology Tools – Graphic Organizers – Writing Applications – Explicit/Direct Instruction – Big Ideas/Setting Context
Where do we go from here? Examine Connections – Discuss within RtI Model – Be at the table Make the connections for the field – AT/IT & PM – AT/IT & EBP
2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career Thank You Resources can be found at: