Software and Web-Based Accessibility Assistive Technology Educational Technology Outreach College of Education University of Maryland
March 2005AT Web-Based and Software Accessibility Web/software issues 2 Software and Web-Based Accessibility font sizes "sticky keys" toggle keys filter keys screen magnification background color contrast colors text to speech options Before using software and/or Web-Based activities in your classroom, consider the following:
March 2005AT Web-Based and Software Accessibility Web/software issues 3 Software and Web-Based Accessibility Graphics and Images When using colors with graphics, color should not be the only indicator of action The arrows below give a better account of what to do or what will happen than the round button to the left
March 2005AT Web-Based and Software Accessibility Web/software issues 4 Software and Web-Based Accessibility Graphics should be consistent and have several options available to indicate program actions or prompts Text over options should be available for ALL images and graphics Click here for Help
March 2005AT Web-Based and Software Accessibility Web/software issues 5 Software and Web-Based Accessibility Flashing and Blinking and Animation text, images and graphics with these features should have the option to disable should be avoided since they can stimulate seizures in sensitive individuals so they must fall within a specific range
March 2005AT Web-Based and Software Accessibility Web/software issues 6 Software and Web-Based Accessibility Flashing and Blinking and Animation To reduce the risk of optically-induced seizures, elements on the page should not flicker at a rate between 2 and 55 times per second. To identify possible sources of screen flickering, look at this list of possible causes: –Animated.gifs: Are they essential to the design or can they be replaced with non-animated.gifs? If the animation is necessary, consider that the speed of the animation can be different than intended, because different computers of different processor speeds and different connection speeds can render the animations differently. –Applets: Is the applet necessary? –Any third-party plug-ins: Are they necessary ? –Blinking or Scrolling text: These are almost never necessary and should be removed or replaced with static text. For more click on Web Access for AllWeb Access for All