SOUTH AFRICA Policies on the Use of OER May 2013
Two Ministries Higher Education and Training Basic Education
Two Ministries Post SchoolingSchooling
Higher Education and Training Priorities Building a single, coherent, differentiated and highly articulated post- school education and training system 3.5 million between the ages of 15 and 24in 2013 not absorbed into employment, education or training FET (TVET) Colleges institutions of choice - establishing 12 new campuses in rural areas 12% growth in the university enrolments – two new institutions Professional Qualifications for lecturers in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Growth in new teacher graduates in 3 years Emphasis on work integrated learning
Basic Education Priorities Key outputs Improved quality and number of Schooling ‘Graduates’
Basic Education Priorities
Green Paper on Post Schooling The DHET will support efforts that invest a larger proportion of total expenditure in the design and development of high quality learning resources, as a strategy for increasing and assuring the quality of provision across the entire post schooling system. These resources should be made freely available as Open Educational Resources (OER) for use with appropriate adaptation.
Green Paper on Post Schooling Key motivations for OER are the potential improvements in quality and reductions in cost. The DHET will accordingly Determine ways to provide support for the production and sharing of learning materials as OER at institutions in the post schooling sector. In the first instance all material developed by the promised South African Institute for Vocational and Continuing Education and Training will be made available as OER. Consider the adoption or adaptation, in accordance with national needs, of an appropriate Open Licensing Framework for use by all education stakeholders, within an overarching policy framework on intellectual property rights and copyright in higher education" (p 59-60).
2011 Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development "The CPD courses will be made available as open source materials to be utilised by SACE-approved providers across the system" (p.7). Advanced Certificate in Education in Senior Management Team (SMT) Development Current EU supported programme to develop materials for use in the training of Foundation Phase Teachers
Learner and Teacher Support Material Policy in DBE Already developed workbooks for most grades in different languages – available to use and copy but not to change Siya Funda textbooks Propose to incorporate OER policy considerations in the LTSM policy
Reasons Part of South Africa’s commitment to transforming education to ensuring quality lifelong learning opportunities for all… About access and success OER about increase access to and use of quality educational resources