Lenoir County JCPC Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention -Center for the Prevention of School Violence
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Center Vision Every student will attend a school that is safe and secure, one that is free of fear and conducive to learning.
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Center Mission The Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Center for the Prevention of School Violence serves as a resource center and “think tank” for efforts that are directed at guiding all of North Carolina’s youth toward becoming productive members of their schools and communities.
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Gangs-National Stat The percentage of students reporting the presence of gangs at school increased from 21 to 24 percent between 2003 and 2005. Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2006 http://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/ind_08.asp
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence District 8 Gang Surveys Survey Methodology 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in Greene, Lenoir, and Wayne Counties Administered in November 2006 786 surveys completed Survey questions were from the Natl. Youth Gang Center; Community Guide
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys 270 Surveys Completed 120 Females (44.4%) and 134 Males (49.6%) 16 students did not answer gender question Grade Level # Students (%) 6th 69 (25.6%) 8th 78 (28.9%) 10th 44 (16.3%) 12th 66 (24.4%) Did not answer grade question 13 (4.8%)
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys Living Arrangements of Students that Self-Reported Ever Being a Gang Member Arrangement % Popn % Gang Members Mother Only 41.8% 52.8% Father Only 5.2% 2.8% Mother and Father (nuclear) 32.6% 27.8% Grandparents 4.8% 11.1% Aunt 1.5% Other Guardians 14.1% Total Students 270 36
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys Average Grades Earned- Popn Average Grades of Self-Reported Gang Members Mostly F’s (3.3%) Mostly F’s (5.6%) Mostly D’s (3.7%) Mostly D’s (8.3%) Mostly C’s (25.6%) Mostly C’s (41.7%) Mostly B’s (51.1%) Mostly B’s (41.7%) Mostly A’s (13.7%) Mostly A’s (2.8%)
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys Relationship Between Self-Reporting Ever Being a Gang Member and Suspension from School, in the past 12 months N=35 (who answered this question) # Suspensions # Students, (%) Zero 16 (44%) 1 or 2 times 11 (31%) 3 to 5 times 5 (14%) 6 to 9 times 2 (6%) 10 to 19 times 1 (3%)
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys Are there gangs at your school? (students, %)
Lenoir County Gang Surveys DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Lenoir County Gang Surveys How often have gangs been involved in fights, attacks, or violence at your school in the past 6 months? (students, %) No answer (58, 21.5%) Never (46, 17.0%) Once or twice a month (34, 12.6%) Once or twice a week (7, 2.6%) Almost every day (12, 4.4%) Don’t know (113, 41.9%)
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Safe Schools Pyramid The Community
Effective School Practices Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Center for the Prevention of School Violence Effective School Practices • Whole school-community effort • Common language and understanding • Awareness • Professional development for all staff • “Proven” programs
Effective Interventions DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Effective Interventions Identifying Early Warning Sings Threat Assessment Peer mediation Alternatives to Suspension
Accomplishing the Mission DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Accomplishing the Mission Information Provision 800-299-6054 919-733-3388 www.cpsv.org William.lassiter@ncmail.net
Accomplishing the Mission DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Accomplishing the Mission Technical Assistance Workshops, trainings, facilitations Program development, maintenance, research, and evaluation
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence The “I” Vision Every youth will live in a community that takes interest in, is involved with, and invests on behalf of all its youth.
DJJDP - Center for the Prevention of School Violence Center Contact Information: 800-299-6054 www.cpsv.org www.ncdjjdp.org