Alan Charles Police and Crime Commissioner Youth and Community Engagement
elected by public vote holds the Chief Constable to account sets the ‘Police & Crime Plan’ agrees the force budget commissions services to deliver community safety projects elected by public vote holds the Chief Constable to account sets the ‘Police & Crime Plan’ agrees the force budget commissions services to deliver community safety projects Who is the Police & Crime Commissioner?
200 consultations, partnership meetings and report October 2013 to January 2014 Over 3500 ‘Youth’ Surveys Completed by year olds April to August School Grants and Youth related Crime Prevention Funding Year round Further consultations (incl. Q+A events, partnership forums and meetings, ‘Amelix’ Tour, Outreach events and HQ Consultation in June) Youth Summit! for partners and actions to take forward Today..! A focused plan Community Engagement 2014
To listen to views of younger members of our communities To identify issues relating to policing and crime that concern and impact on younger people Crucial to inform my Police and Crime Plan To listen to views of younger members of our communities To identify issues relating to policing and crime that concern and impact on younger people Crucial to inform my Police and Crime Plan Purpose of this work…
What we have found.. some highlights Gun Crime & gangs- highest priority for year olds Child Sexual Exploitation - highest priority for year olds Stalking/harassment/bullying (including online/social media) twice as likely to be chosen as in wider ‘Over to You’ public survey
Where we are now... Many positive examples of engagement and partnership working identified across Derbyshire But also a multitude of challenges..
Where do we want to be ….? Wider representative consultations on matters relating to Policing and Crime Coordinated strategic approaches with partners sharing best practice Consistent messages delivered effectively Maximising impact for those who need it most
How can we do this? Together… Many hands make light work!!
The Purpose of Today Refreshment Networking Collaboration Actions
Thank you
Protection, Prevention, Support collectively delivering effective engagement S U M M I T