National Conference ‘Turning Local Good Practice into National Best practice’ Hosted By Present #ecinsconf
ACC Julian Blazeby
Gary Pettengell
E-CINS creates an environment where everyone knows what everyone else is doing! Victims HMOs FIPs Street Drinkers Hate Crime Offenders DV Acquisitive Crime Youth Letter Schemes IOM TroubledFamilies ASB Truancy RJ Gangs Licensed Premises Vulnerable Persons MASH
704 Days
0 Minutes of downtime
16,896 Hours
20,500 Hours of development
£2,000,000 Development cost so far....
162 Teams/Organisations
2,000 Users
42,000 Reports
6,500 Profiles
10,000 Tasks
£0 Funding
C/Insp Simon Tweats
Sgt Melanie Locke
How we were Working
Solutions One Risk assessment for all partners Protocol for referrals Victim charter Inviting relevant partners Harm based approach Training Session Three sessions for over 100 staff with two more planned
How we are Working Now
Snapshot of Now MARAT now averages 8-12 cases Up to 40 attendees Including: adult social care, substance misuse, mental health, fire, ambulance, 6 RSL’s (dependant if they have a high risk case), FIP, YOS, CRI (crime reductions initiative), street team (for homeless), Brighton housing Trust (who manage high risk perpetrators), environmental health, council solicitor.
Home Office Feedback “…good to see a varied number of agencies around the table engaged in the management of cases. I found the discussion of cases to be quite smooth and thorough and I was impressed with the way in which agencies took responsibility for agreeing to follow up actions and update the case history. It was evident that there was a good degree of knowledge around the table, allowing agencies to gain an understanding of how other agencies work, including what falls within their remit and what falls outside of their remit.”
Rachel Tucker
Troubled Families ‘Suffolk Family Focus’ (SFF) Rachel Tucker Anti Social Behaviour Officer (Waveney District Council)
Suffolk Review (ASB) Systems Thinking – Lean Process 2010 ‘Suffolk Constabulary dedicated to working with our partners to tackle Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) and we will achieve this through delivering on four key promises to the public’ (Minimum standards)
‘ Highlighted Blockers ’ Sharing Information with partners Engagement of partners Finance Amount of meetings attended
Links between ASB and the police confidence target Three high profile cases nationally (Garry Newlove, Fiona Pilkington & Francesca Hardwick and David Askew) highlighted the tragic consequences of anti-social behaviour in extreme cases. The need to development a more efficient model for tackling ASB What were the drivers for change?
1. A lack of consistent identification of, and response to, the vulnerability factors affecting the Askew family; 1. A total failure to recognise and respond to the incidents as ‘hate crime'; 1. An apparent lack of coordination and cohesive action between partner agencies; 1. A lack of robust offender management IPCC findings - David Askew (21st March 2011) On an organisational level the investigation found there had been;
Listen – Listen to victims and take them seriously Action – Take positive action to address the problem Prevent – Take action to prevent it happening again Inform – Tell the victim what we have done Minimum standards
Emphasis on the victim Repeat Victimisation (the most persistently targeted) ‘Investing in the right tools and resources to allow staff to tackle ASB (e.g. ECINS partnership case management software and our commitment to partnership ASB Teams’ Suffolk Constabulary ASB strategy Sept 2012
Waveney anti social behaviour unit (ASBU) Launch of ECINS Empowering Communities – Inclusion & Neighbourhood Management System June 2011
Pilot - Lowestoft 13 th July 2012 Improvements to date User friendly – Viewed numerous case management systems Up to date ‘live’ information for all professionals involved Time saving (agenda, minutes, less phone calls) Less face to face meetings Tasking facility – external agencies Internet based software (update reports, risk assessments in the family home) Troubled Families Agenda - Suffolk Family Focus (SFF)
C/Insp Ian Coxhead
Tamworth Community Safety Partnership Hub
Not protectively marked Co-location What does it deliver? Improved co-ordination and delivery of partnership activities at a tactical / operational level Improved information sharing and access to information (within the framework of information sharing protocols – This ones for you Jan!) Improved community safety across the Borough of Tamworth by identifying and responding to real time crime and disorder issues. Enables more effective and efficient daily briefing and tasking meeting
Not protectively marked Who’s Who Hub - NHW / Street Wardens / ASB Officers / Housing Manager / ADS Worker / ASB Victims Champion / Townsafe Coordinator / DV Coordinator Regular attendees - RSL’s / Mental Health / CCTV / IDVA’s / Floating Support / FARS/ Adult & Social Care Co-location
Not protectively marked Co-location One Big Happy Family
Not protectively marked Hub Meetings Why have them? Sharing “real time” information to Identify issues of vulnerability across Tamworth in respect of Victims, Offenders and Locations Apply and implement appropriate problem solving response through joined up working Early identification and intervention through appropriate referrals
Not protectively marked Case Management How does E-CINS work for us? Allows clear processes for a multi agency approach to case managing victims and offenders Provides a risk assessment framework which gives the ability to identify persons and cases of greatest risk and vulnerability Has enabled time and efficiency savings realised through reduction of meetings
Presenters Q&A Session Victims HMOs FIPs Street Drinkers Hate Crime Offenders DV Acquisitive Crime Youth Letter Schemes IOM TroubledFamilies ASB Truancy RJ Gangs Licensed Premises Vulnerable Persons MASH