My topic addresses the ways on how the jail systems have tried to come up with in order to reduce gang violence behind the walls. Which essentially will reduce the numbers of rejoining a gang or to keep promoting on the outside.
A common definition of a gang is a group of three or more people that engage in criminal activities. Gang members in prison are identified by tattoos and the cliques they hang out. The literature also states how it is difficult to keep numbers of gang members due to shorten time periods of which the inmates stay. There are many methods to be used to reduce gang activity but not to make it exempt. It’s good to keep and identify any information about the leaders of gangs
One criminology theory that I think applies to my topic Is the strain theory. One of Robert Merton's adaptations to the strain theory is crime, the choice of an innovative means (one outside the approved system) to attain the cultural goal. Another definition In criminology, the strain theory states that social structures within society may pressure citizens tocriminology social structuressocietycitizens Not commit crime. Another theory I had was reintegration and rehabilitation.
There are prison gangs and Security Threat gangs. They explain how they are trying to figure out the best way to reduce gangs in prison because it makes it a difficult job for the c.o’s. They almost mention how they are will to take risk to eliminate putting them in the “hole” because they don’t think it works.
For the youth there are after school programs like the Ymca, The Kroc center. There is also a lot of volunteer work throughout the inner cities for both youth ex-gang members as well as adults male or female. Some I personally know for example are: Bird Street, Youth Force, and The city School. These are not only places of business but they willing to help get the funds out to youth in particular. Either hiring you at the establishment or helping you find a job.
City Life Cafe, 2111 E. Central, is one of two programs run through Youth for Christ by two pastors at Tabernacle Bible Church. Read more here: helps-former-gang-members.html#storylink=cpy helps-former-gang-members.html#storylink=cpy Another outlet is this organization in LA called Homeboy industries.
While trying to maintain the violence on the inside promote that as well on the outside so people don’t come in thinking they have to join gangs for protection. Try to install positive attributes to parents either at a young age or the child at a young age to try and prevent gang affiliation. Inside the jails be strict on the items the inmates get punished with. For example no phone calls, visits, and or letters whether they are coming in or going out. Depending on the time the inmates has you can suggest counseling with family members or who ever they have relationships with on the outside just as long as they are positive groups and or people.