Group Center Child Care Minimum Points Requirements Minimum Requirements ** 0-10 Points *** Points **** Points ***** Points Regulatory Compliance EducationLead Teachers with 6 credits for 50% of all classrooms Registry Level 7 & Up (2pts) Director with Administrator Credential (1pt) Registry Level 10 & Up Lead Teachers with infant/toddler or inclusion credentials for 50% of classrooms or 18 related credits AND all other Lead Teachers with 6 Credits Registry Level 9 & Up (3pts) Director with related Associate (AA) degree or unrelated Bachelor’s degree Registry Level 12 & Up (3pts) Lead Teachers with AA degrees for 100% of Classrooms Registry Level 12 & Up (7pts) Director with Administrator Credential and either related AA Degree or unrelated Bachelor’s degree Registry Level 13 & Up (4pts) Environment and Curriculum Program Self Assessment (1pt) Environment Rating Scale (ERS) Average Score of 4 (3pts) Program Self Assessment (1pt) ERS Average Score of 5 (4pts) Business and Professional Practices Program must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Program must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) (1pt) Written copy of employment policies (1pt) Program must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Written copy of employment policies (1pt) Business offers evidence of using Model Work Standards (1pt) Child Health and Wellness Nutritious Meals served daily (1pt) Additional Optional Points Needed 5 or more points10 or more points13 or more points
Minimum Requirements ** 0-10 Points *** Points **** Points ***** Points Licensing Compliance Licensing Compliance EducationInfant Toddler or Inclusion Credential or 18 related credits Registry Level 9 & Up (4pt) Administrator Credential or Preschool Credential or 24 related credits Registry Level 10 & Up (10pt) Related Associate Degree or unrelated Bachelor’s degree Registry Level 12 & Up (12pt) Environment and Curriculum Program Self Assessment (1pt) Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS) Average Score of 4 (3pt) Program Self Assessment (1pt) Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS) Average Score of 5 (4pt) Business and Professional Practices Provider must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Provider must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Parent Handbook (1pt) Provider must complete a signed contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Parent Handbook (1pt) Program has written policies that reduce risk (1pt) Child Health and Wellness Nutritious Meals served daily (1pt) Nutritious Meals served daily (1pt) Nutritious Meals served daily (1pt) Additional Optional Points Needed 4 or more points6 or more points12 or more points Family Program Child Care Minimum Points Requirements
Minimum Requirements ** 0-10 Points *** Points **** Points ***** Points Regulatory Compliance EducationGroup Leaders with 6 credits in ECE or School-Age for 50% of all groups Registry Level 7 (2pts) Site Supervisor/Coordinator/Director with 24 related credits (6 or more credits in supervision/personnel management or financial management) Registry Level 10 & Up (3pts) Group Leaders with 6 related credits for 100% of groups Registry Level 7 (3pts) Site Supervisor/Coordinator/Director Associate (AA) degree with 36 related credits (6 or more credits in supervision/personnel management or financial management) Registry Level 12 & Up (5pts) Group Leaders with 18 related credits for 50% of groups Registry Level 9 (4pts) Site Supervisor/Coordinator/Director with Administrator Credential and either related Associate Degree or unrelated Bachelor’s degree Registry Level 13 & Up (7pts) Environment and Curriculum Program Self Assessment (1pt) Environment Rating Scale (ERS) Average Score of 4 (3pts) Program Self Assessment (1pt) Environment Rating Scale (ERS) Average Score of 5 (4pts) Business and Professional Practices Program must complete a signed YoungStar contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Program must complete a signed YoungStar contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Written copy of employment policies (1pt) Program must complete a signed YoungStar contract with DCF to participate in the Wisconsin Shares program and meet all reporting requirements. Ongoing yearly budget, budget review, record-keeping and accurate tax record (1pt) Written copy of employment policies (1pt) Business offers evidence of using Model Work Standards (1pt) Child Health and Wellness Nutritious Meals served daily (1pt) Additional Optional Points Needed 3 or more points8 or more points13 or more points School-Age Program Child Care Minimum Points Requirements