CRIS in Horizon 2020 and Beyond: Setting the Scene Keith G Jeffery President euroCRIS
Structure Introduction –Speaker –euroCRIS –H2020 Initial Conclusion Purpose of the Seminar
Introduction: Speaker Director International Relations Previously Director IT – users, 1100 servers, 8 Pb data / year, 140 staff CRIS – CERIF e-Science Open access
Introduction: euroCRIS Purpose –Not for profit organisation registered in Netherlands –Mandated by EC to maintain, develop, promote CERIF –Independent advice and expertise Constituency –Members in 42 countries in all continents except Antarctica –Strategic partners: ALLEA, ICSU/CODATA, EARMA, ESF, APA, JISC, ERCIM, CASRAI (and strong links to EC) Success –CERIF now nationally approved standard in 9 countries and widely used in many more –5 commercial companies offer CERIF-compliant CRIS systems –2 more have CERIF-compliant versions of their (publisher) offerings
The Requirement Research managers –Evaluation –Comparison –Strategic management –Finding reviewers Researchers –Access to research information including scholarly publications) –Publicity (webpages, CV, bibliography) –Semi-automated research proposals, publications, evaluation –Cooperation (integrated with intercommunication) Innovators –Knowledge and technology transfer –leading to wealth-creation and improvement in the quality of life Public –Usually via the media
Project Person / CV Institution Event Equipment Books Journal/article Patent Research Group Publisher Information of Interest
Introduction H2020
Integrates FP (Framework Programme) CIP (Competitiveness and and Innovation Framework Programme) EIT (European Institute for (Innovation and) Technology ERC (European Research Council) With simplified procedures
Objectives Strengthen the EU’s position in science with a dedicated budget of € million. Strengthen industrial leadership in innovation € million. Provide € million to help address major concerns shared by all Europeans such as climate change, developing sustainable transport and mobility, making renewable energy more affordable, ensuring food safety and security, or coping with the challenge of an ageing population. tackle societal challenges by helping to bridge the gap between research and the market by, for example, helping innovative enterprise to develop their technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential. This market-driven approach will include creating partnerships with the private sector and Member States to bring together the resources needed. Horizon 2020 will be complemented by further measures to complete and further develop the European Research Area by These measures will aim at breaking down barriers to create a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation.European Research Area
Themes Excellent Science (24.6m€) –ERC, FET, Marie-Curie, Research Infrastructures Industrial leadership (18m€) –ICT, nanotechnology, materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing & processing, space –SME support Societal Challenges (31.7m€) –Health, food, energy, transport, climate, security
Initial Conclusion There is clearly a need for CERIF-CRIS to manage: the EC-funded research programme nationally funded research programmes especially where they interact Fortunately: ERC, ESF and others have adopted CERIF Increasingly countries are adopting CERIF So: We need to agree a CERIF-CRIS strategy within the H2020 context
Digital Futures Core Foresight Generating trends, visions & scenarios Young Futures Policy making 3.0 Exploring participatory, agile, evidence- based approaches to policy making The Onlife Initiative How will ICT impact social expectations around policy making? Digital Futures is an innovative visioning project designed to contribute to the Commission's reflection on ICT policy beyond 2020 and help strengthen anticipatory thinking in EU policy making. Digital Futures comprises 4 components:
Digital Futures Methodology
Digital Futures Clearly this requires: –Analysis of past and ongoing research activities to generate trends, visions, scenarios –Up-to-date recording of current research activity –Up-to-date recording of proposed research activity to meet scenarios For –Policy-making –Generating trends and visions –Evaluating socio- economic impact Extraction of issues and drivers
Purpose of Seminar Views on H2020 (Strategic Partners) Requirements, opportunities vision) Future provision (VIVO, Publishers, Repositories) Vision, technologies, use Evaluation and Impact of Research ( Funders, (biblio)metricists) CRIS extensions for the New Environment (CRIS Extenders) Metadata, datasets, overview Future Provision (Commercial CRIS suppliers) Vision, technologies, use Workshop on Digital Futures (EC) Conclusion