Prepared by Jane E Cable Computer Magic Beginning Word Processing
Every Word Processor is Different.... §... And every Word Processor is the same! That is, all Word Processors can do what they are intended to do....
Example 1: Available Toolbars §Word Perfect 10 has a list of 2 dozen toolbars available. §MS Word XP has a list of twenty plus toolbars.
§Works Word Processor has one multi-purpose toolbar. §WordPad has four toolbars. Outlook Express has two toolbars which can be customized. WalMart Connect has one formatting toolbar.
§Formatting Toolbar: l Font Type l Font Size l Bold l Italics l Underline l Justification l Font Color FONT SELECTION
Every Word Processor lists the fonts available.
Point size can be set for each font.
BOLD, ITALICS, and UNDERLINE can be set before you type or by selecting typed font and then choosing.
JUSTIFICATION aligns the text to the left - the right - or center.
Text can be colored or a colored background can enhance a document.
Most Word Processors Include Spell Check, Thesaurus, Grammar Check §Spell Check l Can be automatic l Can be customized §Grammar Check l Can be automatic l Gives Suggestions l Allows change or Ignore §Thesaurus l Find Synonyms l Find Antonyms