Auckland Libraries Mentoring Scheme
Purpose Why we did it – Skills, knowledge, expertise – Previous experience – Learning and support What it is – Transmission of knowledge, support, etc – Relevant to work, career, general development – Between people
Research Elements undertaken: – Programme comparison – Pros and cons – Talking with stakeholders – Programme outline
Buy in Who cares: – Auckland libraries lead team (ALLT) – Key stakeholders (managers and staff) – Awareness
Awareness sessions What was covered – What mentoring is – Roles – Expectations – Mentees manager Benefits & Pitfalls – Motivation, challenge, self development, etc. – Mismatches, unrealistic expectations, breaches of confidentiality Registration/EOI process I’m looking for a mentor who can show me how to get rich without boring me with a lot of advice
So …anyone interested! Initial interest Fun begins Final design
Design Database Matching process Relationships Confidential contacts Matched/NYM Matched pairs – agreements/documentation packs Policy
Imperative to success Confidentiality Managers not mentors (own staff) Time commitment Relationship length How many mentors/mentees should I have
Current state Process steps (diagram) Launched April 1 st 2013 Evaluation (x 2) Feedback comments re benefits - personal Benefits Auckland Libraries Council wide
Overview of process steps Interested in scheme Register with T&D Provide responses to questions You are registered onto database matching completed and communicated Match is agreed by parties First mentoring meeting arranged Mentoring agreement form completed Goal setting meeting happens Mentoring is underway Evaluation reviews take place
Auckland Libraries Mentoring Scheme Questions