2010/2011 Registration Meeting Chris Delaney VP Evaluation Report
Summer Camps Summer camps are always recommended for those wishing to work on their game and gain a Provincial status This summers attendees: Greg Spagnoli – JDP (3 person) Paul Coley – JDP (3 person) Michael Brooks – JDP (3 person) Charles Walters – JDP (3 person) Chris Delaney – NBDL Paul Coley – OUA West Women’s Dennis Windsor – OUA East Men’s Charles Walters – OUA East Men’s Greg Spagnoli – OUA East Men’s ** Panel Placement Dave Maxin – OUA East Men’s ** Panel Placement
Evaluation Committee Selection: Fady Matta (JR) Michael Brooks (INT) Bob Leask (SR) Chris Delaney (Chair) Status report: Reviewed evaluation documents from around the Province Held inaugural meeting Discussed wide variety of topic and brainstormed on how to maximize the committee Defined role out strategy by identifying what can be achieved immediately and the easiest and what can be accomplished as the committee carries on
Evaluation Committee What was discussed: The need to integrate our evaluation procedures with our educational program Determine who should be evaluated and the frequency Assemble teams of evaluators with each to focus on a specific level Establish criteria for advancement to the next level Examine the role of the exam and provide remedial assistance to those who falter in exams Institute a mentor system linking experience with new candidates - exam and floor experiences When to tell a candidate that he/she will not be successful Determine why there is such a high dropout rate amongst new candidates Survey all levels as to expectations and experiences regarding evaluations Using spring recruitment and training to provide experience for fall leagues and evaluations
Evaluation Committee What was discussed: Determining minimum # of games before an evaluation Emphasizing incentives for the need to advance and evaluate Using camps and college training to prep for evaluations at those levels Provide evaluation measurement documents to each level before evaluations are conducted Determine the overall evaluation philosophy of the Peel board Evaluating dual and transfer members Using OABO evaluation materials Combining best practices from other boards' documentation to create Peel's document
Evaluation Committee Stage 1: Define philosophy of the Board. A Mission Statement Recreate and standardize one evaluation template per level of Official. Publish on line for membership review and awareness Include in Education material so we can set expectations Define metrics and measurements per category that is to be evaluated on and a pass or fail grade per level of Official Focus on those who have either been at a level for more than 3 years and or those who have not been formally evaluated over the last 2 seasons
Evaluation Committee Stage 2: Introduce documents to the Membership Build 4 PODS ( 4-6 evaluators per POD) Junior, Intermediate, Senior and College (if assistance is required) Host POD meeting to define criteria and measurement so as to create consistency in what is being looked at and how it is communicated
Evaluation Committee Stage 3: Identify evaluation opportunities at specific games, leagues or events that can maximize evaluators and officials timing Work with assignors to utilize officials on identified games Design tracking tool that as a go forward basis will track evaluation dates and follow up procedure so as to ensure we evaluate the identified groups Stage 4: Expand committee to include exam assistance, mentorship program, re assess metrics and documents, recommend for playoffs, finals, and summer camps.