T F 3. B6 is an example of a spreadsheet function. Instructions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. T F 1. Individuals typically purchase Web-based software in packaged form. T F 2. Moving a paragraph from one place to another in a document is an example of an editing operation. T F 3. B6 is an example of a spreadsheet function. T F 4. Tables, forms, queries, and reports are examples of database objects. T F 5. DVD authoring software can be used to create home DVD movies.
Instructions: Select the best answer for each question and write the corresponding letter in the blank at the left of each question. ___ 6. Which of the following types of software is not copyrighted? a. commercial software b. shareware c. freeware d. public domain software e. Web-based software ___ 7. Times New Roman is an example of a ____. a. font size b. font style c. font face d. table e. footer
Instructions: Select the term that best matches a. word processing b. spreadsheet c. database d. project management e. media player ___ 8. The most appropriate type of software for creating a budget. ___ 9. The most appropriate type of software for playing an audio CD. __ 10. The most appropriate type of software for creating a memo.