SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY AFTER DAY ONE YORK UK SEPTEMBER 2014 Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
Until the SALEIE York meeting: We received study cases from the following countries: -Bulgaria – Nina Benceva, -Czech Republic – Tomas Zeman, -Norway – Cristen Helgesen, -Romania – Antoanela Naaji, Gheorhe Livint, Dorian -Slovenia – Marjan Druzovec -Turkey – Bahar Karoglan and - In Dropbox there are some information from UK. - Jana Likusova announced a near ready report. YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
Proposal for the two days meeting in York: -The analysis of existing information, -The definition of a format for final report(s) regarding the examples of practice in policy for higher education, -The plan for translations (what languages, who will perform the translations). -The plan for dissemination of results (other than the SALEIE web site) – number, check, plan. YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
Participation: -Una Vorma, Latvia -Chris Porter, Malta -Marjan Druzovec, Slovenia -Antoanella Naaji, Romania -Carsten Helgesen, Norway -Bahar Karaoglan, -Giorgos Papadourakis, -Dorian Cojocaru, Romana YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
-Taking into consideration the available information on this moment, we decide togheter to take the report of Carsten from Norway like a model and based on it to propose a template for shorter WP5 reports (2 pages each) regarding study cases. - After analyzing the Carsten report we decided to use the following 5 sections: -Degrees and type of higher education institutions - National Quality Assurance System, -Programmes authorisation, accreditation and evaluation, -Institution accreditation, -Students in the evaluation process. YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
-We start to extract from the existing reports the corresponding information in order to produce a final report regarding study cases (10-15 pages). -The extended available reports will be annexes to the final reports. -Una (Latvia), Giorgios (Greek) and Chris (Malta) started to work to their contributions, for their countries, to the presentation of the study cases. -Having the report synthesizing the available information regarding study cases, the other partners could add their contributions. YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
-Problems of students with special needs? Karsten, Chris and Bahar to produce something in short time. -Help from WP4 ! -The final report describing the study cases will be the only one translated (2 pages). -Translation: Slovenian and Romanian are in the group, Bulgarian and Slovakian were/are near us, no French, German or Italian participation to WP5. - We have 3 published article until now, without considering ITHET. These articles will be added us annexes to the final report together with the extended reports. YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
THANK YOU !! YORK WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW