How-to essay Materials: Aglass aquarium, Achoice of sands, Filter, Rocks A choice of plants, Decorations, Fish, Water Materials: Aglass aquarium, Achoice of sands, Filter, Rocks A choice of plants, Decorations, Fish, Water Blub blub
You’ll need the aquarium, but first you should decide, which fish and landscapes you want in. You also choose where the aquarium will be. Now you put in the filter. For big aquariums big filters, but as for me, I prefer no glass-boxes!!!
Do not put in the Water Now, dear. Put in the sand. Remember, Different fish want Different sands!
Now put in some bigger decorations, pieces of stone (for us), unnatural secoraions, AND un-real plants.
Hello. Now you put in plants and flora ( I do not know why would anybody), If so, you need also an ultra-violet lamp. Go to the pet shop and buy your fish (and Penguins!). Buy fish that do not eat each other and l ive in the same habitat.
Now you only need To feed your fish Be careful on our Health. And it is Better to mix it.