IR, HR, LR, and LIR … What’s in a Name? Labor Relations Union Bilateral Rule-Making Human Resources Nonunion Unilateral Rule-Making All aspects of people at work Employment relationships Industrial Relations (as a field of study) - CB/Negotiation - Labor Law - Contract Admn. - Labor History - Compensation - Staffing - T&D - Benefits
Industrial Relations As A Field of Study -- Definitions Employment relationships -- relations among workers, employers, their organizations, and government regulators All aspects of people at work (Kochan) The processes by which human beings and organizations interact at the workplace and more broadly in society to establish terms and conditions of employment (Mills)
Meaning Relations between management and workers and the role of regulatory mechanism to resolve any dispute. Parties to IR Employers & their Associations Government (Regulatory Body)
IR System Concept: A Causal Model Representation Contexts Rules or Outcomes Processes Ideology Actors
IR Systems Concept (Dunlop 1958) Major Elements Actors (workers, unions, mgmt, government) Contexts (labor and product markets, technology, community) Processes (unilateralism, individual bargaining, legislation, adjudication, “CB”) Ideology (minimal shared beliefs; the “glue” that gives systems stability) Rules (broadly defined) or Outcomes (pay, benefits, work rules, working conditions, job satisfaction, industrial democracy, peace and conflict, productive efficiency)
Trade unions Voluntary associations of employees or employers to promote their interests through collective action. Legislation : The Trade Unions Act, 1926 A combination, whether temporary or permanent formed : –primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between : Workmen & employers Workmen & Workmen Employers & employers or –for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business and includes any federation of 2 or more trade unions.
Employers Associations in India CII FICCI ASSOCHAM NASSCOM
Employees Associations in India AITUC INTUC CITU
Why do employees join unions? Dissatisfaction with terms and consditions of employment Collective bargaining : more power than individual Security Welfare
Shift in the traditional Role of unions? Traditional Role : Opponent of management New Role : Cooperative partner e.g. Eicher, Parwanu, H.P
Approaches to IR Unitary Pluralist Marxist
Trade union movement in India 1919 – After the World War –I : workers realised the importance of STRIKE as a weapon of economic coercion : AITUC 1926 : Trade Union Act Late 1920s: Split in Trade Union Movement –AITUC : Communists –AITUF : moderates
1930s : not favourable for trade union movement –Failure of Bombay textile strike –Retrenchment –Strikes failed 1945 : II World war Idealogical differences increased Govt. invoked Defence of India Rules : banned all strikes & Lock Outs Workers realised the need for an organised movement After Independence : dreams of increased salaries & better working conditions, not realised Large scale unrest : strikes & lock outs multiplied
Disunity : 3 Central Labour Organisations –INTUC : 1947 –HMS : 1948 –UTUC : 1949 MANY More unions formed Today : More than unions in India, affiliated to one of the Central Association of trade Unions Today’s Unions are –Matured, responsive & realistic –Reconciled to economic reforms –Trend towards de-politicisation