High Potential & Succession Management AIHA Talent Review Prepared by ??? For ??? Meeting – ???
2 AIHA Talent Review Agenda – Date TopicWhoTime Welcome and Overview Review desired outcomes & agenda Talent Review Facilitator15 minutes Talent Discussion Leaders - Present High Potentials (X number of volunteers) All5 minutes each to present then real- time discussion for each candidate (Includes 15 min. break) LUNCH1 hour Talent Discussion Continues Leadership Team – Reviews and Compares Candidates Leadership Team - Confirms High Potentials Leaders discuss developmental plans for Ready Now, Short Term, and Medium Term (approx 6 employees) All 20 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes each to present then real- time discussion for each candidate (Includes 15 min. break) Summary & Next Steps Summarize urgent issues that need to be addressed Summarize agreed upon action items All30 minutes
AIHA Talent Review – Date Purpose: Discussion, Decision & Follow Through Discussion Review and discuss proposed high potentials Focus on strengths, leadership impact and leadership needs Discuss development plan (Afternoon Session - Ready Now, Short Term and Medium Term candidates only) Ask for feedback from your peers Give recent examples – within last 12 months Specific, observed behaviors not what you’ve heard Approach the discussion with the belief that people can grow and develop Respect confidentiality 3
AIHA Talent Review – Date Purpose: Discussion & Decision & Follow Through Decision Confirm high potential candidates, (including timing to ultimate key position) Confirm succession pools and succession candidacies for Ready Now, Short Term and Medium Term Confirm development plans for Ready Now, Short Term and Medium Term 4
AIHA Talent Review – Date Purpose: Discussion & Decision & Follow Through Follow Through Leader is accountable to ensure a robust development plan is prepared and discussed with each HiPo Leader ensures that accurate, balanced feedback is delivered to each employee discussed. Leader agrees to own the feedback. Leader ensures that each employee’s manager is following through on coaching on development areas. Leadership team agree to formally review progress against development action items quarterly. 5
Who is High-Potential? Shift from process to people Performance – Fully Achieved or higher performance rating Will/Skill –Demonstrated willingness, ability and capacity to learn and successfully apply new learning –Demonstrate leadership competencies, including the ability to inspire others, to be authentic and genuine, and to build a learning organization. Must be able to mobilize, develop and engage a workforce. Potential –Potential to move into a KEY LEADERSHIP POSITION 6
AIHA Talent Review – Date Confirmed Hi-Pos LeaderReady NowST 1-3 YearsMT 3-5 YearsLT 5+ Years Leader 1Hi Po 1 Leader 2Hi Po 2 Hi Po 3 Hi Po 4 Hi Po 5 Hi Po 6 Hi Po 7 Hi Po 8 Hi Po 9 Hi Po 10 Leader 3Hi Po 11Hi Po 12 Hi Po 13 Hi Po 14 Leader 4Hi Po 15 Hi Po 16 Hi Po 17 Hi Po 18 Hi Po 19 Hi Po 20 Hi Po 21 Leader 5Hi Po 22 Hi Po 23 Hi Po 24 Hi Po 25
8 AIHA Volunteer Summary Report Photo Current Role (with AIHA) Prior Roles (with AIHA) Overall Performance (in prior roles with AIHA) Ultimate Potential (e.g., Task Force, Committee Chair, Director, Officer) Next Possible Volunteer Role (e.g., Committee Chair) Individual Preference (e.g., Chair Management Committee) Readiness – time to reach ultimate potential (now, 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5+) Leadership Summary (strengths, development opportunities) Ongoing/Planned Development Activities (e.g., serve on XYZ Task Force, present to BOD etc.) Succession Candidacies (proposed or confirmed candidate for which roles?)
Individual Development Needs for HiPo Talent (RN, ST, MT) only) LeaderVolunteer Name Succession Position Development NeedsAction to address gapsOwner/Update/Stat us Leader 3Hi Po 11 Director Function A Function B Function C (MT 3-5) Manager assignment outside of current technical area. Continue skill development: Effective listening (EL), active collaboration (AC) stakeholder management. (SM). Leadership Focus. Do a project in area of next desired assignment (EL, AC). Receive mentoring (Dir. or above) from area of next desired assignment (EL, AC, SM) Mentor someone from HiPo LT 5+ pool – align mentor strengths to mentee’s development needs (EL) Attend Leadership Focus (situational feedback to guide development) Key Position: S = Site role F = Functional role OG = Operating role C = Corporate role Timing: RN = Ready Now (0-1 yr) ST = Short Term (1-3 yrs) MT = Medium Term (3-5 yrs )
PROGRAM PROGRAM OBJECTIVES TARGET GROUP FUTURE LEADERS Entry Level Leadership Program Develop an understanding of expectations for leaders Broaden understanding of AIHA Practice key leadership skills and receive peer feedback High potentials who are in or about to move into a formal first level leadership role (Pres. Local Section, Secretary or higher in National Committee) participants are typically long-term high potentials Program A Mid-level Program ??? High potentials with 2-5 years of Committee Chair or LS role as president Participants are typically at least mid-term or long-term National Level high potentials Program B Action Learning Based Experience ??? Program C ??? Program D ??? Overview of programs and target groups