National Initiatives workshop Oct. 21 st, the outcome - Participants from: ECR-Germany, ECR-Italy, ECR-Sweden, ECR Switzerland and ECR Europe Contributions from: ECR France and ECR United Kingdom
AGENDA Areas of concern Purpose of the National Initiative meetings Information exchange Content of the National Initiative meetings Process Action points
Reminder from ECR Board Sept. 5 th 2003 Principles Increase networking with the National ECRs Enhance involvement and accountability of National ECRs Clarify ECR Europe focus areas of work (which projects to be initiated) Allocate roles & responsibilities within the Advisory Group 5 ‘work streams’ –Project development prioritisation & monitoring –Learning – broad-based education programme –Implementation of collaborative ECR practices & “value realisation” –Conference management –Communication
Areas of concern - 1 How to ensure National inputs into ECR Europe agenda? –National Board co-chairs or elected representatives are now part of the ECR Europe Board –N.I. should elect representatives to the Advisory Group How to ensure pan-European implementation of ECR Europe practices? –Put into place a review process of project generation and recommendations (blue books) by the National Initiatives –Focus only on what is common across all markets and issue recommendations accordingly. Simplify the theoretical approach (learn from past blue book experiences ex. CPFR)
Areas of concern - 2 How to ensure National inputs into the ECR Europe conference agenda? –De-briefing session after conference –Better and targeted “marketing” of the conference to the National markets e.g. Incentives for Board members, N.I. Involvement of local press National case studies emerging from national conferences
Purpose of Nat. Int. meetings A conduit between National Initiatives themselves –Share best practices: learnings / status from national projects and activities including companies’ involvement in ECR –Keep informed about national events –Share the future: new issues/national ideas –Share info on how to better communicate at national level (government, media, value of ECR, funding, attracting new members, new market segments I.e. DIY, Apparel, LSP) A conduit between the different ECR bodies in Europe –Consolidation Nationals/Advisory/Board/ECR Europe workstreams A conduit between National Initiatives and GCI, GSMP, and EAN in Europe
Information exchange Techniques Medium to post and share information Regular meetings of the National Initiatives Structured meeting agenda Yearly workshop to identify new issues Joint meeting with the Advisory Group Representation on the Advisory Group
Content of Nat. Int. meetings 1.Share Best Practices amongst each other 2.Receive/give updates and inputs from/to –ECR Europe projects: status, next steps –ECR Europe workstreams –ECR Europe Board and Advisory Group –GCI/GSMP …… in order to –enhance the activities of the National Initiatives –make qualified recommendations/proposals to ECR Europe
Nat. Int. meetings - process Once a year Workshop to identify upcoming trends/new themes/new areas of focus for upcoming projects and activities. Output => Recommendation to national ECR Boards and Advisory Group
Nat. Int. meetings - process Twice a year Briefing paper (“Executive summary”) to be issued by each National Initiative, according to a template, and posted on both the local website (if available) and on the under the respective heading –Content: activity report over the last six months –Time period: once 4 weeks prior to ECR Europe conference and once late October –Language: English (+ local language if wanted ) –Format:.pdf with possibility to download/print
Nat. Int. meetings - process Meeting frequency –5 one-day meetings (plus the workshop) –Schedule 10:00 to 17:00 –4 in Brussels and maybe 1 elsewhere of which: 1 meeting the day before a Board meeting 1 meeting jointly with the Advisory Group
Nat. Int. meetings - process 4 weeks prior to each meeting National Initiatives give an update on the status of their national projects and activities that also exist on a European level e.g. OSA, CRM. Update to be uploaded by the Nat. Int. via a template on the ECR Europe website four weeks before the next Nat. Int. meeting. If no activity since last report, no report necessary. 3 weeks prior to each meeting National Initiative co-chairs and Advisory Group representatives decide on which of the above projects should be presented at the next meeting. Nat. Int. can also make their own suggestions.
Nat. Int. meetings - process Meeting structure 1.In-depth session 2.New issue session 3.Update session 4.Round table session
Nat. Int. meetings - process In-depth session 1.Presentation (20 minutes) about one/two ongoing national project(s) as decided prior to meeting. 2.In plenum discussion and decision on a recommendation to Advisory Group or ECR Europe project co-chair New issue session 1.Presentation (20 minutes) about a new project or emerging issue – national or European. Selection of these made at previous meeting. 2.In plenum discussion (40 minutes) and decision on a recommendation to Advisory Group
Nat. Int. meetings - process Update session 1.Short update/overview on ECR Europe projects given by their co- chairs or facilitators, highlighting commonalities and differences with national projects on same subject e.g. OSA based on input collected from website. If no activity since last report, no report 2.Short Question and Answer (Q&A) session on these projects 3.Short update/overview on ECR Europe workstreams learning, implementation and conference by their co-chairs or facilitators. Note: Summaries of the Advisory Group and Board meetings can be consulted on an individual basis on the website
Nat. Int. meetings - process Round table session Members time on pending issues, reminders Proposal and selection of in-depth project presentation and new issue presentation for next National Initiative meeting Summary
Nat. Int. meetings - schedule
Action points Decision points 1. Approval of this proposal 2. Approval of meeting schedule for Election of representatives to Advisory Group Next steps Elaboration of ECR National Initiatives work plan for 2004