PS 1 12 June 2006 SEA Opening Plenary Rome, Italy, 12 June 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

PS 1 12 June 2006 SEA Opening Plenary Rome, Italy, 12 June 2006

PS 2 12 June 2006 SEA Plenary Meeting Agenda 0945 Start, Logistics, Agenda review 0955 SEA Overview, Shames 1015 Sys Arch Overview, Yamada 1035 Break 1040 Info Arch Overview, Crichton 1100 Sec Arch Overview, Weiss 1120 SANA BoF Overview, Bradford 1135 XSG SIG Overview 1150 Identify & Prioritize Critical intra - SEA and cross area issues 1200 End

PS 3 12 June 2006 SEA: Meeting Schedule and Locations Working Group/BOFDay/TimeLocation SEA Kick-off PlenaryMonday tbd System Architecture WGWednesday tbd Information Architecture WGWednesday tbd Security WGMon Tues tbd SANA BoFThurs tbd XML Stds & Guideline SIGMon Thurs Fri tbd System Engineering Area PlenaryFriday tbd

PS 4 12 June 2006 System Engineering Area Overview SEA Includes: System Architecture, Information Architecture & Security Working Groups SANA WG (starting to meet as WG now) XML Standards and Guidelines SIG (cross WG effort) Delta-DOR SIG (cross WG effort) SGIA BoF (no IOAG / agency support, not clear if it is meeting) Responsibilities Overall architecture for space mission communications, operations, and cross-support Coordinate and collaborate with the other areas about architectural choices and options Support the CESG in evaluating consistency of all area programs of work with the defined architecture Create such working groups and BoFs as are required to progress the work of CCSDS

PS 5 12 June 2006 System Engineering Area: Current WGs and BOFs System Architecture WG - meeting this week Develop a high level system architecture reference model (and formal methodology and tools - deferred as work item) Finalize Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS) V1 Magenta Book Discuss future work on architectural principles & formalisms Information Architecture WG - meeting this week Develop a high level Information Architecture reference model and definitions of active and passive information objects Finalize Reference Architecture for Space Information Management (RASIM) V1 Green Book Discuss how to begin work to define component interfaces and standards w/ MOIMS IPR Security WG - meeting this week Develop security overview & threat assessment, and security architecture, framework and related standards Progress Security Architecture and other specific security elements ( Key management, Crypto and Authentication Standards) Discussions with other WGs as needed

PS 6 12 June 2006 System Engineering Area: Current WGs and BOFs SANA WG - meeting this week Develop detailed requirements for the Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) Finalize SANA charter New BoFs Space Ground Interoperability Architecture BoF - meeting this week? Develop an end to end space / ground cross support architecture and services catalog in response to IOAG request Draft SGIA charter, no IOAG / agency support Not clear that this is going to go ahead as CCSDS effort

PS 7 12 June 2006 System Engineering Area: Current Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Delta-DOR SIG - meeting this week Develop detailed requirements for delta differential one-way ranging (Delta-DOR) service Coordinate work in other WGs (SIS/Ranging, CSS/CSTS, MOIMS/Nav) Develop integrated vision of service and interoperability points Develop any over-arching documents, as needed XML Standards and Guidelines SIG - meeting this week? Develop a set of common standards and guidelines for XML use across CCSDS Coordinate work in other WGs (MOIMS/Nav, MOIMS/SM&C, CSS/SMWG, SEA/IAWG) Product will be a set of guidelines for all CCSDS WG that use XML to follow

PS 8 12 June 2006 Liaisons SysML Partners have developed a system engineering modeling language based upon UML 2.0. A liaison has been agreed to, which opens up a communication channel between the SEA and SysML groups. The intent is to provide the SysML solution to CCSDS for their validation for application to Space Systems. SysML agreed to form a liaison w/ CCSDS. SEA, on behalf of CCSDS, has agreed to that liaison and several joint meetings have been held. The SysML spec is currently at version 0.9. Four UML tool vendors have demonstrated SysML 0.9 compliant versions of their tools. A summary presentation is available from the SysML web site. An informal liaison has been developed with ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC7 which is developing an UML for RM-ODP approach. This opens up a useful communication channel between the two groups. The intent is to validate the RASDS to the RM-ODP and to provide feedback to the SC7 WG it its applicability to Space Systems. The JTC 1 / SC 7 chair has agreed to establish an informal liaison w/ CCSDS. SEA, on behalf of CCSDS, has agreed to that liaison and a joint meeting and telecons have been held.

PS 9 12 June 2006 SEA Cross Area Coordination CSS: D-DOR SIG XSG SIG Transport security Use of SecWG authentication & access control MOIMS: Coordination between Information Packaging and Registries & Information Architecture, discussions proceeding, joint meetings planned this week D-DOR SIG XSG SIG Use of RASDS in SM&C doc Use of SecWG authentication and security framework SIS: End to end architecture for IP over CCSDS, CSS? Uplink & downlink network layer security SLS: D-DOR SIG Uplink & downlink link & physical layer security SOIS: Relationships among AMS, MTS, and MOIMS S/C Mon & Con protocol (SM&C) Uplink, downlink & on-board security

PS June 2006 Other Issues & Concerns CCSDS Architectural Principles, as called for in A02.1-Y-2 & A00.0-Y-9 XML Standards & Guidelines adoption process SANA direction & support from other agencies than NASA Delta-DOR end to end process, document development SGIA futures Lack of participation from other agencies / WGs Global Earth Obs Sys of Sys (GEOSS), Geneva WMO, all space agencies w/ Earth Obs Coord obs & sci, 10 yr plan European (& ESA) emphasis on mission interdependencies Reuse of GDS and data Data fusion, secure access NASA / Constellation & SCAWG activities Interoperability and cross support Man & robotic exploration at the Moon and Mars Commercial providers Surrey and others using PEP Broadband providers, incl ???