Social Studies Strands: Explorations and Encounters By: Lori Elliott, Jill Weaver, Jennifer Case
Strand 1: American Heritage and People in Society
Strand 1: Activities Hypothesize about the stories of early European and Asian visits in the Americas. Evaluate the achievements of the Vikings in America Analyze the impact the Spanish conquistadors had on the Aztec culture Explain the cause and effect relationship between the fur trade with the Europeans and the weakening of the Huron and Iroquois nations. Summarize how self-rule and aid from the Indians helped the Plymouth colony to succeed.
Strand 1: Web Sites /feature/native.htm /feature/native.htm ml ml orers
Strand 2: People in Societies
Strand 2: Activities Compare and contrast Pizarro’s treatment of the Incas with Cortez's treatment of the Aztecs, and determine the impact of the Spanish. Summarize the changes Spanish colonization brought to New Spain. Analyze the failures and successes of the Jamestown Colony. Identify areas of potential conflict and cooperation between Columbus and his crew and between the Europeans and the Tainos. Summarize the changes Spanish colonization brought to New Spain.
Strand 2: Web Sites l l ml ml
Strand 3: World Interactions
Strand 3: Activities Analyze how changes in European government and in technology led to exploration. Explain how events in Constantinople affected European dependence on Asian trade. Analyze how Magellan’s trip revealed the true nature of the Earth’s land, and water forms. Describe the shortcomings of Martin Behaim’s globe. Describe some of the locations of Columbus’s voyage.
Strand 3: Web Sites /explorationstation/ /explorationstation/ er.html er.html
Strand 4: Decision Making and Resources
Strand 4: Activities Have students research either boat building or globe making. They will then tell why improvement of these things helped travel. Students will discuss the importance of trade. They will then go through a game where students trade with others to get needed supplies. Students will discuss reasons why European rulers might have been for and against sending out explorers. Students will discuss why the Indians help was so important to the Indians. Students will then write a letter about a time when someone helped them and thank that person. Students will discuss different crops that the early Americans could have used to plant.
Strand 4: Web Sites frontier/nre.html#reserv frontier/nre.html#reserv mestown/ mestown/
Strand 5: Democratic Process
Strand 5: Activities Make posters comparing and contrasting the attributes of both types of a monarchy and a democracy. Discuss what makes a good leader and write about what they would look for if voting for a politician today. Students will discuss what makes a good leader and write about what they would look for when voting for a politician today. Discuss the some of the different types of government that the Native Americans had. Make a graph that represents the steps in the Spanish government at the times of the explorers.
Strand 5: Web Sites
Strand 6: Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Strand 6: Activities Visually depict how the people of Jamestown worked together to establish and successfully maintain their colony. Simulate a meeting between natives and the explorers then discuss ways in which the parties could interact to make the meeting more effective. Examine Marco Polo’s background and discuss its relevance and how it might have affected his trade relations in Asia. Discuss the importance of location as a geographical concept and its impact on events and decisions in history. Make a poster of traits it takes to be a good citizen and illustrate.
Strand 6: Web Sites dbook/atozhistory/p/ html ron/WestEurope/DaGama.html htm htm
Strand 7: Technology
Strand 7 Activities Describe the advances in technology that took place prior to the exploration of Africa and Asia and discuss how they affected European expansion and the exploration of these continents. Compare/Contrast the types of technology that early explorers used with technology used today that helps aid in travel and exploration. Analyze how changes in European governments and in technology led to exploration. Evaluate the positive and negative effects that technology might have had on explorers. Discuss what you would change in order to help the explorers. Discuss how science and technology might lead people to explore the unknown today.
Strand 7: Web Sites tml rationstation esson/milmap.htm l