Indian Culture Hierarchy in Indian society Respect for elders/ people in position Indians seemingly reserved by nature
Illustrations Initial impressions Non responsive Reluctant to ask questions Not sure if the staff have understood Like speaking to a wall Staff stand when trainer enters the room - every time
Introduction – A brief overview of India & its culture Diversity & continuity Ancient & adaptive Population & languages
Hierarchy in Society Ancient Indian social system Varna Vyavastha (caste system) Brahmins – the priestly class Kshatriyas – the warrior class Vaishya – the business class Shudras – the lowest class Ranking of castes The economic factor (wealth & power) Hierarchy in day to day life
Structure & hierarchy in a business setting Respect for senior colleagues Decision making rests with seniors Relationship – boss & employee Face & self esteem
Respect for elders Special respect 5 forms of traditional welcome Prathuthana – rising to welcome a person Namaskaara – paying homage with palms together Upasangrahan – touching the feet of elders or teachers Shaastaanga – prostrating fully with feet, knees, stomach, forehead & arms touching the ground Pratyabivaadana – returning a greeting
Namaste Suited for all occasions Namah + te = Namaste I bow to you/ my greetings/ may our minds meet Bowed head – extending friendship in love & humility Varies in different parts of the country/ religion
Shared cultural characteristics in India Respect for elders & people in position Preference for conformity Friendliness Strong sense of community Acceptance of hierarchy Interpersonal relationships Self restraint Emotional dependence
Trainers can … Conduct a little test to ascertain the level of understanding Exhibit a genuine interest in the people