English Support Periods 1 & 5 Monday, May 12th
Do Now: (10 minutes)
Agenda Overview- Student expectations: Students look at board and listen. Do Now (10 minutes) Read a book of your choice Lecture (15 minutes) Auxiliary Verbs – Powerpoint Grammar Practice (3 minutes) Grammar and Language Handbook Auxiliary Verbs pages 59 and 60 Ex 1 and for challenge, Ex 2 Empower (20 minutes) Read 1 article and use template to write in notebook Reading (25 minutes) Prentice Hall pgs 608 to 614 “The Necklace” Exit Slip (15 minutes) Spelling strategy pg 622 Prentice Hall
Standard and Objective Standard: L.5.1.d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense. Objective: To recognize and appropriate use auxiliary verbs.
Lecture-Auxiliary Verbs Qsk
See Auxiliary Verb Powerpoint Do practice.
Verb Phrases The verb in a sentence may consist of more than one word. The words that accompany the main verb are called auxiliary, or helping, verbs. A verb phrase consists of a main verb and all its auxiliary verbs. forms of be forms of have other auxiliaries am, is, are, was, were, being, been has, have, had can, could, may, might, shall, will, do, does, did, must, should, would
Verb Phrases The most common auxiliary verbs are the forms of be and have. They are going.They have gone.They had been going. The other auxiliary verbs are not used primarily to express time. She should be arriving.Could she have arrived? She could already be sitting there.
Verb Phrases (25 minutes) Grammar and Language Book pages 59 and 60. Do Exercise 1 #1-20 Places a check next to each sentence that contains an auxiliary verb. In the sentences that contain an auxiliary verb, underline the verb phrase. Then circle the auxiliary verb. Do Exercise 2 for CHALLENGE
Whole Class Reading (25 minutes) Using the Prentice Hall pages 608 to 615, read “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant 1.Respond: Do you feel sorry for Mathilde? Why or why not? (b) Infer: Do you think the author wants readers to sympathize with her unhappiness at this time? Why or why not?
Classroom Expectations Empower- (20 minutes) Classroom Expectations Read 1 article and write answers from Empower Sheet template into notebook What should you do? Read 1 Empower article and copy template and answers in composition book. What should I see? All laptops/IPADS on Empower website only and copying down template in compostion book. What should I hear? Silence. When you are finished? Read silently.
Exit Slip (10 minutes) Prentice Hall page 622. Do Spelling Strategy exercise: For words that end in silent e, keep the e before adding an ending that begins with a consoannt. For example, when you add –ful to the word rue, you form the word rueful. Add the given suffixes to the words below. Then, write a sentence for each new word. 1. entirely 1. hopeful 3. awesome
Wednesday Empower Newsela
English Support Periods 1 & 5 Thursday, May 15th
Do Now: (10 minutes)
Agenda Overview- Student expectations: Students look at board and listen. Do Now (10 minutes) Read a book of your choice Lecture (15 minutes) Adjectives – Powerpoint Grammar Practice (35 minutes) Grammar and Language Handbook Adjectives pages 61 & 62 Empower (20 minutes) Read 1 article and use template to write in notebook Reading (25 minutes) Prentice Hall pgs “The Harvest” Exit Slip (15 minutes) Dat
Standard and Objective Standard: L.5.1.b.Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations. Objective: To understand and use adjectives
Lecture An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun by limiting its meaning. shiny toasterfriendly neighbor horrible accidentgreen birdthat book Articles are the adjectives a, an, and the. A and an are indefinite articles. The is the definite article. Possessive pronouns, such as my and our, can be considered adjectives because they modify nouns. Similarly, possessive forms of nouns, such as Roger’s and the captain’s, can also be considered adjectives. A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun and begins with a capital letter. Cervantes was a Spanish writer.The Korean restaurant is very popular.
Whole Class Reading (25 minutes) Using the Prentice Hall book read “The Harvest” pages and answer: What do you think of Don Trine at the end of the story? Why? How does the opening paragraph foreshadow, or hit at, the ending fo the story?
Classroom Expectations Empower- (20 minutes) Classroom Expectations Read 1 article and write answers from Empower Sheet template into notebook What should you do? Read 1 Empower article and copy template and answers in composition book. What should I see? All laptops/IPADS on Empower website only and copying down template in compostion book. What should I hear? Silence. When you are finished? Read silently.
Exit Slip Prentice Hall page 622: Concept Development: Synonyms