International Business Project United States
Third largest country in the world both in size and population Climate and topography range from tropical to arctic and deserts and plains to rugged mountains and volcanoes Known as the land of immigrants Primary religion is protestant and catholic Primary language is English
Appointment Alert Prior appointments are necessary Primary work week is Monday – Friday from 8:30/9:00 to 5:00/6:00, however many Americans work overtime. Punctuality is VERY important Dinner appointments, you should be prompt However, it is O.K. to arrive to a cocktail party up to 30 minutes late
First name or Title You should use title and last name until told otherwise. Usually outside business situations, it is O.K. to use first names There is a wide range of diversity in the U.S. so if you are presented with a last name that you are unsure how to pronounce, don’t be afraid to ask.
Public Behavior Smoking is not a commonplace and many places have restrictions so make sure to ask before you light up Handshake is the customary greeting for both men and women Refrain from personal contact such as hugs in greetings unless it is with family Standard distance during conversation is about two feet, anything closer will cause the American to become uncomfortable
Public Behavior Direct eye contact conveys sincerity, but it should not be too intense. Some ethnic groups may look away to show respect Backslap is a sign of friendship To point use your index finger, but it is impolite to point to people When giving to another person it is common to toss it or hand over with just one hand
Business Dress For the first meeting, dress conservatively, after that you can follow your American counterparts In the East people tend to wear business suits, the West has a more relaxed approach Business suits and dresses are common for women When not working, feel free to be casual
Conversation Almost all business is conducted in English however, Spanish is another common language Since they only speak one language they may not be sensitive to the difficulties of others trying to speak English They talk very fast and loud (as if it will help you to understand better)
Conversation Business language is idiomatic. Many Americans use sports language in business speech such as “call the shots”, “team player”, “Ballpark figures” If you are uncomfortable with the language it is suggested to hire a translator Americans often ask “what do you do?” as a way to start a conversation and not considered presumptuous
Conversation Compliments are common and popular conversation starters Americans like to laugh and joke and enjoy being with people. Be careful not to use ethnic or religious jokes Sports and golf are very popular in the U.S.
Topics to Avoid Politics Religion Controversial subjects such as abortion Refrain from asking a woman if she is married Again, refrain from ethic or religious jokes
Gift Giving Presenting a gift is thoughtful, but not expected Business gifts are often presented AFTER the deal is done. It may be considered a bribe before hand Thank you notes and offering to pay for a meal are popular ways to say thank you as well as flowers
Prosperous Entertaining Breakfast and lunch are common times to conduct business meetings Business is rarely done on Sundays Dinner is the main meal of the day It is not considered rude to eat while you are walking When invited to a business meal the host will usually pay
Prosperous Entertaining It is common to invite a business guest to ones home Be aware that it is custom to “give a tour” of the house when the guest arrives Spouse will be in full participation of conversation It is perfectly acceptable to refuse food or drink unlike many other cultures To visit a friend it is courteous to call ahead of time. In other words, don’t just show up
Business Culture Americans are very competitive in both work and leisure Concept of “time is money” is taken very seriously Money is a key priority in the U.S. Business people are opportunistic and will take chances Americans tend to dislike periods of silence during negotiations and will continue to speak simply to avoid silence
Business Culture Business people are direct and will not hesitate to disagree with you Persistence is another common characteristic. Americans feel there is ALWAYS a solution Anxiety develops over deadlines and consistency is key Be aware the U.S. is the most litigious society in the world. There are lawyers who specialize in practically every industry and segment of society. They are also very egocentric and not aware of the outside world
The End Anything you didn’t know? Where you surprised by anything?