Beowulf Vocabulary - for 100 A synonym for shadowy? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Vocabulary - for 200 A religious journey. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Vocabulary - for 300 A payment for wrong doing. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Vocabulary - for 400 A punishment for an injury Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Vocabulary - for 500 The antonym for joyous cries of glee Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Characters - for 100 He has “hell-forged” hands. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Characters - for 200 Because he is jealous of Beowulf, he doubted Beowulf’s claim of killing sea monsters. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Characters - for 300 She is referred to as a “she- wolf,” although she is not a wolf at all. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Characters - for 400 He berates Unferth for killing his own kin, another exhibition that he is an epic hero. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Characters - for 500 He makes an eloquent speech about loyalty and bravery. He exhibited both characteristics when he helped slay the dragon. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Plot - for 100 This is the “golden shining hall” Grendel attacks. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Plot - for 200 What are Beowulf’s last thoughts before he dies? A.Pride and respect in his ability to protect people. B.Bitterness only one person helped him kill the dragon. C.Fear the kingdom will disintegrate after he dies. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Plot - for 200 A. Pride and respect in his ability to protect people.
Beowulf Plot - for 300 Which of the following events is most important in Beowulf’s career? A.The speech for the prince B.The slaying of Beowulf’s mom C.The slaying of the dragon Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Plot - for 300 C. Slaying the dragon
Beowulf Plot - for 400 How does Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Beowulf Plot - for 400 He slays her with a magical sword. He stabs her in the neck.
Beowulf Plot - for 500 Which one of these BEST supports the idea that Beowulf is an epic hero? A.Displays intense pride in his country. B.He embodies the ideals of Anglo- Saxon society. C.He becomes more humble over time. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Literary Devices - for 100 Which one of these is a kenning? A.“At last he saw the mud of the bottom” B.“Woven metal had not helped” C.“And all at once the greedy she wolf” Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Literary Devices - for 200 Which one of these lines contain alliteration? A.“Murderous flames, spreading them everywhere.” B.“The ancient blade broke, bit…drew blood.” C.“The monster came quickly towards him.” Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Literary Devices - for 300 Who are these kennings describing? Shepherd of evil, guardian of crime Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Literary Devices - for 400 He is supposed to be the “lord and protector of this noble place.” Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Literary Devices - for 500 Why was it necessary to use kennings, alliteration, and caesuras in Beowulf. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Anglo-Saxon History - for 100 All of the following peoples invaded Great Britain throughout history EXCEPT for: a.Romans b.Vikings c.Normans d.Greeks Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Anglo-Saxon History - for 200 These three areas of English culture profoundly influenced the United States: Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Anglo-Saxon History - for 300 These are the structures left in Great Britain after the Romans left Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Category 5 - for 400 This group of people held an honored place in society because they preserved heroic deeds in memory by singing the songs of the heroes. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Anglo-Saxon History - for 500 What written language did King Alfred promote through the work, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle? Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question!
Final Jeopardy Although Beowulf was passed down through oral tradition from generation to generation– before Christianity, this is the reason why Beowulf contains Christian references.
Also know: All Vocabulary Words (10) Christianity and the effect it had on Great Britain. The characteristics of Celtic Religion Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon life The characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon religion