Senegal Customs Courtesies Greetings Gestures VISITINGVISITING EATINGEATING Ema-Rae- 6th
Greetings Courtesy is important – Shaking hands – Kissing alternate cheeks 3 times WHEN JOINING OR LEAVING YOU HAVE TO GREET EACH PERSON INDIVIDUALLY!
Gestures Receive/Give gifts with right hand (left is impolite. PDA is impolite Eating while walking on the street is in inappropriate Snap finger’s or “hiss” to get someone’s attention Children/women curtsey to their elders when greeting or giving water Avoid eye contact with members of opposite sex Sharing a kola nut is a gesture of friendship
Visiting Dropping in uninvited is accepted & appreciated but done before meal times Guests get 3 rounds of tea with sugar Friends bring fruit or sometimes cookies for kids It is impolite to refuse refreshments unless its water which you have to refuse by saying you just finished some. It’s bad manners for women to smoke It’s bad luck to ask questions about children ( when someone’s baby due etc..)
Eating Meals – Breakfast 6-9am – Lunch 12-11:30am – Dinner 8-9:30am – Sexes & different age groups eat seperately – Main dish is usually in large bowls on mats on the floor or coffee table – Eat from same bowl with fingers or spoon – Avoid eye contact with people still eating – Only use right hand to eat