Use of remote sensing in monitoring algal blooms in inland water bodies Anabel A. Lamaro Fortaleza November 2010
A process where water bodies receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth EUTROPHICATION CONSEQUENCESCAUSES Excessive intake of nutrients P and N from point and diffuse sources. Massive development of algae and cyanobacteria. Low transparency Fish kills Presence of bad odors Decrease in the aesthetic quality of the resource Increased water treatment costs Health risks
General Purpose To developed a methodology for monitoring algal blooms from different satellite data analysis.
In situ Data Radiometric Data 5 measurements per point (average). 2 minutes on each point. Height of m. and perpendicular to the surface. Radiometer calibration. Suspended Solids Secchi disk Water Surface Temperature Limnological parameters Chlorophyll a Phytoplankton counting Landsat 5 TM y 7 ETM+, ASTER images Source: CONAE catalog, USGS catalog Processing Geometric correction Radiometric correction Atmospheric correction Digital Data
Río Tercero Reservoir Studied Areas Córdoba province Multiple Uses: Recreation. Thermonuclear plant cooling. San Roque Reservoir Flood Control. Water supply for the city of Córdoba. Electricity generation Recreation. Multiple Uses:
Ln Secchi: * Rad B2 Obtained Model r: p: Standard Error: n: 7 Secchi Disk vs. Band 2 radiance R²: Model Validation R² adjusted: (meters) >3 Río Tercero Reservoir Historical Data Results
Water Surface Temperature Thermal bands Landsat 7 ETM+ Marzo 2000 Agosto 2000
Archive images (± 3 days) Radiometric data Digital data Limnological data Historical data (since 1998) Historical and actual data San Roque Reservoir Field sampling synchronized with the satellite pass (January-March 2009) January 30th,2009March 20th,2009 Water surface conditions
March 20 th, % 87% 85% 13% 15% 2% January 30 th, % 97% 49% 51% P3 74% 26% P5 Ceratium sp. Cyanobacteria Diatoms Relative abundance of dominant species calculated by biovolumen Preliminary results
nm nm nm nm Analysis of field spectroradiometer curve Chlorophyll reflectance Chlorophyll absortion Chlorophyll reflectance
3% 97% Site P6 Ceratium sp. Cyanobacteria Comparison Radiance curve vs. Relative Abundance Laboratory culture
March 20th, 2009 Obtained Model r: 0.97 p: Standard Error: 0.32 n: 7 R 2 : 0.94 Ln chlrophyll: 26,49 – 0.44 Rad B Rad B3 – 1.72 Rad B4 In situ Chlorophyll Estimated Chlorophyll Estimated: March 11st, 2000 Measured : March 13rd, 2000 Correlation between limnological parameters and digital data Estimated chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a concentration
We are working with water treatment company for the future application of these methodologies in the Rio de la Plata estuary. Oil spill monitoring in ocean water, near offshore platforms using RADAR images. To incorporate products of sea surface temperature, ocean color and others (from AVHRR, SeaWifs, Modis, Meris) to help to identify: Marine currents Thermal fronts Turbidity Phytoplankton (blooms or HAB’s) Sources of pollution IN A NEAR FUTURE For Fisheries Research and Development… ACTUAL WORKS Water Quality Monitoring in Sectors of Uruguay River and in inland water bodies (i.e Ramsar sites, reserves, protected areas).
Thank you!