Squint Clinic Hyderabad L. V. Prasad Eye Institute
Formal Orthoptic Diagnostic Aid: management is traditional rather than rational
Orthoptic Report Getting an orthoptic report is like kissing your own sister It doesn’t lead anywhere Getting an orthoptic report is like kissing your own sister It doesn’t lead anywhere
Practical Approach To Strabismus
Definition of Strabismus When the two visual axes do not intersect at the object of attention
Aim of Examination To determine the normality or abnormality of : The sensory apparatus The motor apparatus In a valid & repeatable manner To determine the normality or abnormality of : The sensory apparatus The motor apparatus In a valid & repeatable manner
Information Required From Exam Bifoveal Fusion Nature and degree of Deviation Fusional Vergences Measurements If Tropia – characteristics of Suppression scotoma Bifoveal Fusion Nature and degree of Deviation Fusional Vergences Measurements If Tropia – characteristics of Suppression scotoma
Factors to Be Controlled Accommodation Fixation Fusional vergences Accommodation Fixation Fusional vergences
All Tests Cycloplegic retinoscopy Refractive errors corrected Accommodative target for distance and near Cycloplegic retinoscopy Refractive errors corrected Accommodative target for distance and near
Sequence of Clinical Tests Bi foveal fusion Fusional vergences Deviations & Measurements Rotations, A/V, Head tilt Limitation of movements Restriction VS weakness Characteristics of suppression Bi foveal fusion Fusional vergences Deviations & Measurements Rotations, A/V, Head tilt Limitation of movements Restriction VS weakness Characteristics of suppression
Doctor Must Do the Examination Personally
Cover Test
Alternate Divergent Squint
Un - Cover Test
Exophoria – Fusional Reflex
Exophoria – Fusion Movement
Intermittent Divergent Squint
Prism Bar Cover Test
Ocular Movements
every limitation of movement must be checked uniocularly
Patterns : Rising Eye
Patterns : Falling Eye
Testing For A-V Pattern
No A or V
V Pattern
A Pattern
10 ET 10 RXT 40 XT L/R R/L +30 Recording Results
10 ET 10 RXT 40 XT L/R +30 {-3}{-3} - 3 R/L =30 Recording Results
Globe Retraction
Exotropia with Hypertropia R.E. Fixing
Suspect Strabismus If abnormal head posture If closing one eye If abnormal head posture If closing one eye
Head Tilt Test
Head Tilt Test : Others
Sixth Nerve Paralysis & Saccades
Floating Saccades
Primary Versus Secondary Deviation
Forced Duction Test
Force Generation Test
Sensory System / Tests The sensory system is of inestimable importance in the management Valid inferences : Age of patient Type of squint Refraction correction H/O Motor examination The sensory system is of inestimable importance in the management Valid inferences : Age of patient Type of squint Refraction correction H/O Motor examination
Sensory / Suppression - Inference Early onset tropia Binocular suppression scotoma Early onset exotropia Temporal hemiretinal suppression scotoma Early onset esotropia Regional nasal hemiretinal suppression Early onset tropia Binocular suppression scotoma Early onset exotropia Temporal hemiretinal suppression scotoma Early onset esotropia Regional nasal hemiretinal suppression
Visual Acuity
Even in a Baby It Is Possible To Test the quality of vision Refract and examination fundi (with help of atropine) Test the quality of vision Refract and examination fundi (with help of atropine)
Qualitative Vision
Don’t Forget The Fundus
Prism RE: LE moves out And comes back to refixate Prism RE: LE moves out And comes back to refixate 4 Prism Test : Normal
Prism RE: LE moves out And stays out Prism RE: LE moves out And stays out 4 Prism Test : Abnormal After removal of prism
Prism LE : No movements 4 Prism Test: Abnormal
4 Prism Test : Positive
Sophisticated Tests
Audience Interaction
Aim of Strabismus Management Good vision in each eye Binocular vision Preferably stereopsis Normalise : Deviations Rotations Head position Good vision in each eye Binocular vision Preferably stereopsis Normalise : Deviations Rotations Head position
Rx of Strabismus Glasses Occlusion Prisms (Exercises) Surgery : minimum number of interventions Glasses Occlusion Prisms (Exercises) Surgery : minimum number of interventions
Pseudo Strabismus
Cosmetic Surgery
Adjustable Sutures
Superior Oblique Paralysis
Key to Strabismus If you master the physical examination and disregard the mystique of orthoptics then strabismus is no longer such a difficult subject Even I can handle it ? If you master the physical examination and disregard the mystique of orthoptics then strabismus is no longer such a difficult subject Even I can handle it ?
If you are interested in doing things mechanically Fix holes in the retina / do cataracts If you want to exercise those grey cells Do squints