Interim Solution What it is and how to to use it 21 June 2012
What is OGP? The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) OGP works on behalf of the world's oil & gas exploration and production (E&P) companies to promote safe, responsible, and sustainable operations. Starting from some 14 members in 1974, membership has grown to 74, including 50 operating companies around the globe. 2
3 OGP Membership (as of 2011)
Introduction Trade regulations have currently impacted ISO/TC67 work in the normal ISO environment. OGP’s interim solution offers the opportunity to continue the technical work of ISO/TC67 under Association auspices and in accordance with trade regulations, including observing complete confidentiality. OGP’s interim solution has been agreed with the ISO Central Secretariat and ISO/TC67. It also has the approval of OGP’s Management and Legal Committees. 4
Technical agreement OGP/ISO OGP invites ISO/TC67 Work Groups (WG) and Project Teams (PT) to work under the Association’s umbrella. Representatives from all parts of industry are welcome, except from those nations under EU and US sanctions. OGP WG/PT will develop draft deliverables based on documents in ISO/TC67 work program. OGP and ISO can mutually agree new work. OGP’s website will place final drafts and ballot comments in the public domain (open web). All interim work will transfer back to ISO when the sanctions issue is resolved. 5
OGP Interim Administration TF role To administer the interim solution. To set priorities. To add any TC67 joint work items with other TCs. To report to OGP Standards Committee. To notify the OGP TF on Long Term Solution of any relevant issues that need to be addressed. 6
OGP interim solution compared to ISO route (simplified) 7 Trade regulation «barrier». Draft standards text and comments will be available in the public domain.
Procedure for WG/PT As simple as possible ! Do it mainly as in ISO, however technical discussion takes place exclusively and confidentially in OGP to eliminate concerns about sanction-breaking technology transfer. Use OGP templates for agenda, attendance lists, minutes and draft deliverables. File documents of WG/PT under the secure OGP- provided password protected ShareFile folder. Chairperson to monitor the WG/PT members list to ensure no sanction countries are included. OGP agrees members’ list. 8
Guidelines & templates The «tools box» for the WG/PT will be available in OGP ShareFile: ISO/OGP technical agreement (signed) OGP Supplementary procedure Presentation material Template for members’ list Template for calling meetings Template for meeting agenda Template for meeting minutes Template for OGP deliverables Template for new work OGP contact details 9
Invitation & contact ISO/TC67 WGs or PTs are invited to restart technical work under OGP interim solution. Objective: Progress the technical work on drafts that will be balloted and published by ISO as ISO standards. Contact OGP Project Manager at: 10
Back up: OGP Long Term Solution The OGP interim solution allows technical work of ISO/TC67 standards to resume and progress. OGP will develop, in co-operation with API, a long term solution allowing the technical work on international standards to continue. 11