Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Status : September 2005 RMC Meeting - São José dos Campos - Brazil Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program IAF/ILAC-MLA/RMC OVERSIGHT Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program IAF/ILAC-MLA/RMC OVERSIGHT 1 - IAF/ILAC performed a peer-evaluation at Inmetro in March 2004 with the following focuses: Maintenance of Cgcre/INMETRO as signatory to the MLA for the accreditation of QMS certifiers and calibration and testing laboratories; Recognition of Cgcre/INMETRO as signatory to the MLA for the accreditation of EMS certifiers ;
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program IAF/ILAC-MLA/RMC OVERSIGHT 2 - Present status: The evaluation team sent the report to the MLA Committee reccomending the maintenances of the existing recognitions and a follow-up for the new recognition; The final decision will probably be this September 3 – RMC oversight RMC performed our last oversight in march 2004; the next is scheduled for September/ to 22th
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program CROSS FRONTIER ACCREDITATION 1 - Actions implemented Cross Frontier Policy introduced to all CRB. Identification of accredited CRB “critical locations” Inclusion of the Cross Frontier policy in the surveillance program of CRB Accreditation Sector - Dec/04; Foreign CRB requested to agree with information to be exchanged between Inmetro and local AB. 2 - Present status: Training of the Accreditation Division team involved with the subject - performed on Jun/05; A proposal was drawn up for a bi-lateral cooperative accreditation arrangement with UKAS and a MCAA with SCC, ANAB, JAB and JAS-ANZ - is now being translated into English.
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program ISO IMPLEMENTATION The Coordination for Accreditation designated on April/2005 a working group to define an action plan for the introduction of ISO in Inmetro´s Documentation System. The deadline to implement the new standard is October/2005. Inmetro´s standards are being reviewed but work is still in progress.
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program - PROGRAM STATUS
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program - PROGRAM STATUS on September 2005
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Brazilian Aerospace Accreditation Program POTENTIAL CERTIFICATIONS BNDES is planning to provide a support plan to the aerospace industry Valor Econômico (August 15th 2005) Details will be published in the next BNDES magazine TARGET ARE THE AERONAUTIC EQUIPMENT AND PARTS SUPPLIERS - Chico Santos The Brazilian Social and Economical Development Bank (BNDES) is preparing an operational policy specifically to support the Brazilian industry of aeronautic equipment and parts suppliers. According to Sérgio Varella Gomes, BNDES assessor, this will be the "second wave" of development for the aerospace industry, after the first one, which was the BNDES support to Embraer itself.