1 Urban Water Institute The Future of Direct Potable Reuse February 20, 2014 Frances Spivy-Weber, Vice Chair State Water Resources Control Board
2 Governor’s signing message, SB322 (September 2013) “I am signing SB322, which requires the Department of Public Health in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board, to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse by September This information is past due. In an effort to enhance the use of recycled water, I have proposed the consolidation of the management of the drinking water program and all other water quality programs, including recycled water, under the State Water Board. I am directing the Water Board to ensure that this work is completed expeditiously. The 3-year time frame mandated in this bill is too slow. California needs more high quality water, and recycling is key to getting there. Sincerely, Edmund G. Brown, Jr.”
3 Proposed Consolidation of Drinking Water Program and State Water Board Inter-agency coordinators named; Inter-agency committee established with mid-November 2013, deadline for plan and costs; Stakeholder Task Force convened 2013, bi-monthly meetings, January 2014 report to Secretaries (HHSA and CalEPA); Secretaries Report to Governor and Legislature (February 2014)
4 Governor’s Budget Request to the State Legislature (January 2014) Funding for consolidation of Drinking Water program and State Water Board; Final Action expected mid-June, 2014
5 Department of Public Health Advisory Committee on Potable Reuse First meeting, February 21, 2014 Initial Tasks Overview of Expert Panel process by NWRI; Review of qualifications of potential expert panel members; Input on expert panel; Selection of Advisory Chairperson
6 Department of Public Health contract with National Water Research Institute Expert Panel Receives input from Advisory Committee
7 SWRCB and POTWs’ Contract with Southern California Coastal Water Research Program Expert Panel three-year study of cost-effective monitoring/testing for constituents of emerging concern; Report and recommendations on recycled water in 2014
8 Safe Use of Recycled Water in all Forms is a High Priority for the State of California
9 Thank You, Frances Spivy-Weber, Vice Chair State Water Resources Control Board