Everybody participated in the Great Patriotic War. She spared nobody. And I also has great-grandfather, who fight for the peacful sky above.


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Presentation transcript:

Everybody participated in the Great Patriotic War. She spared nobody. And I also has great-grandfather, who fight for the peacful sky above.

He is Andrei Grigorievich Zvyagin. He was born on the 15 th of June 1901 in the village of Medvensky District of Kursk region. After the end of the four classes of school worked as a foreman.

In march of 1943 Zvyagin was called up for service in the Red Army. He distunguished himself during the Battle of the Dnieper. In the fight he personally destroyed mortar account and about one hundred Germans.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 30 October 1943 for “exemplary performance of combat tasks” the soldier Andrei Zvyagin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin and the medal “Gold Star”.

After the war, Zvyagin was demobilized. Returned home and worked on the farm. He died on the 17 of January of 1983 at the age of 82 years old.

He has also been awarded a number of medals and orders. Among them are: 1) Medal for Military Merit

2) Order of the Red Star

3) Order of the Red Star, but for another feat

4) Order of the Patriotic War 2 degree