Deloitte Consulting LLP Pan-SHARP Medication Reconciliation Kickoff Teleconference December 8, 2011
U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Agenda Welcome Overview of the Pan-SHARP Medication Reconciliation Project Connecting the Pieces High-level Timeline and Dependencies Roles & Responsibilities Communications & Logistics Outstanding Questions Next Steps
Provenance Data Med Rec “Mercury” Med-Rec Algorithms Med-Rec Algorithms CCD SAMPLES CCD SAMPLES Med Instructions Med Instructions SMART Med-Rec App MD/RN CEM- SMART Transform CEM- SMART Transform Parser NLP CEM Parser NLP CEM SHARPn SMART SHARPC Clinical Notes SAMPLES Clinical Notes SAMPLES SHARPS 100% Apache 2.0 License 3 MD PnP Device Data Feeds Device Data Feeds
- 4 - U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Connecting the Pieces 2 SHARPC (SMART) MR Apps 1 SMART Medication List Object 1 SHARPC Med Rec back-end reconciliation algorithm 1 SMART Container populated by 30 patient records from SHARPn Pipeline 1 MD PnP Software component that delivers device data as CEM XML 1 SHARPn Software component to translate CEM XML to SMART RDF 1 SHARPS Meta-data tagger that provides output provenance Optional: 1 SMART Direct App Implementation Mercury Bill of MaterialsArticulated Needs SMART SHARPC –Data Model –App Integration SHARPn –CEMs MD PnP SMART –Data requirements (by mid-January) SHARPn/SMART –Data format (by March) SHARPn Sample data SHARPS SMART –Requirements for the signatures developed by a SMART App –Import tool for signed CEM and provenance display
U.S. Consulting Report Template_ High-level Timeline and Dependencies (revised)
- 6 - U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Roles & Responsibilities Jorge Herskovic – SHARPc, UTH Product Requirements Document –Washington Memo Software Requirement Specification Testing Overall technical management of Pan-SHARP Med Rec Contact Info: Product ManagerProject Manager Jessica Nadler – SHARPn, Deloitte Integrated Project Plan Facilitating dependencies Support of ongoing communications Contact Info: Team Ross Martin – Rayneisha Watson –
- 7 - U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Communications & Logistics Biweekly XO calls starting in 2012 TeleconferencesWiki Pan-SHARP Medication Reconciliation wiki Hosted on SHARPn wiki Access by the end of the day Log-in and the Pan-SHARP is on the left navigation –Log-in will be first initial and last name, first two letters capital (i.e. JNadler) –All initial passwords are: welcome from a Mayo account that access has been granted Other needs? Time and Location Washington, DC –10am to 5pm ET –Deloitte Rosslyn Office at 1919 N. Lynn St. in Arlington, VA Easily accessible from DCA via Metro or cab ~15 minutes ~40 minutes from IAD –Potentially a telepresence suite at the Deloitte G St. Office in downtown DC Please contact Jessica by Dec. 16 if this is of interest and you have access to a telepresence suite on the other end January 27 th Meeting
- 8 - U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Outstanding Questions How data will flow through the Mercury version? –Up-front generation of SMART RDF graphs that will (then) be static, and fed to a med rec app according to the SMART API? What recommendations are SHARPS making and how do they fit ?
- 9 - U.S. Consulting Report Template_ Next Steps Meetings Artifacts What do you need to get started? Project timelines to generate an overall project plan Identify handoffs Schedule a regular bi-weekly call for XOs What do we need to get started? See you in January!