Carbon Cycle Gr 9 Science
Carbon Cycle Fourth most abundant element in universe Building block of all living things Main Pathway– in and out of living matter
Key Terms Carbon Cycle- Circulation of carbon through ecosystems Carbon- A non-metallic element found in coal, petroleum and natural gas. Major component of life. Soil Respiration- Carbohydrates are oxidized and returned to the air by soil microorganisms that decompose dead animals
Atmosphere- layer of gases Fossil Fuels- Carbon-rich fuel from ancient animals and plants Photosynthesis- Energy (sun)+ Water+ Carbon dioxide Carbohydrates+ Oxygen Cellular Respiration- Glucose+ Oxygen carbon dioxide+ water+ Energy (ATP) Decomposition- breakdown of matter by bacteria and fungi
Biological Importance of Carbon All living organisms contain carbon CO 2 is found in all living organisms Plants use carbon dioxide and water to form simple sugars (photosynthesis)
Ecological Importance of Carbon Carbon is needed for life Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas Carbon is necessary for life, but carbon dioxide can be harmful
Greenhouse gases = atmospheric gases that prevent heat from leaving the atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere Greenhouse effect = the warming of Earth as a result of greenhouse gases, which trap some of the energy that would otherwise leave Earth
Since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide levels, produced by the widespread use of burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) for energy, have rises steadily. The increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (ex. Methane) in the atmosphere is the cause of global warming. Earth′s average surface temperature has increased by about 0.74 ⁰C = Global Warming.