PPT Lecture: Global Warming
Slide 2 - Greenhouse Effect The process of the atmosphere trapping heat from the sun. Without the atmosphere, heat would float off into outer space. Earth would be about 30°F each day without an atmosphere.
Slide 3 - Other Planets Any planet with an atmosphere, experiences the greenhouse effect.
Slide 4 - Earth’s Atmosphere 78% Nitrogen 20% Oxygen 2% Other (CO2 for example)
Slide 5 - Venus’s Atmosphere 96% CO2 3% Nitrogen 1% Other
Slide 6 - Greenhouse Gases The only gases in the atmosphere that have the ability to trap heat from the sun. Both natural and unnatural (human made) gases!
Slide 7 - Natural Greenhouse Gases Water Vapor CO 2 Methane (CH 4 ) Nitrous Oxide
Slide 8 - Human Made Greenhouse Gases Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulfur Hexofloride (SF6)
Slide 9 - Human Activities Add significantly to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere!
Slide 10 - CO2 Burning of fossil fuels (combustion) releases more CO2 in the atmosphere than would be present naturally.
Slide 11 - Transportation and Electricity Main reasons why CO2 is released in the atmosphere!
Slide 12 - Methane CH4 Gas released from animals. It’s also a greenhouse gas and causes Earth to heat up
Slide 13 - Farming The more animals we raise for food, the more methane released into the atmosphere. Pigs and cows release methane!
Slide 14 - Methane Chickens release methane!
Slide 15 - Deforestation (killing trees) Plants take in CO2 and convert it into O2 during photosynthesis. Less trees, more CO2 left in the atmosphere!
Slide 16 - Pollutants Anything that harms the environment! Excess CO2 from burning fossil fuels. Ozone Layer in stratosphere is destroyed from the release of CFCs caused by industry.
Slide 17 - Ozone Hole Developing South Pole
Slide 18 - Global Warming Boost in the greenhouse effect due to more greenhouse gases in atmosphere from human activities leading to warmer global temperatures.
Slide 19 - Global Warming Impacts Increase evaporation Ice at poles to melt
Slide 20 - Sea-Level Changes - Flooding Approx. 50% of the world’s population lives near coastlines, which may be under water in the future!
Slide 21 - What can you do? Turning off lights when not in use. Turning down heat in winter. Reduce air conditioner use in summer Recycling! Less energy is used to recycle than make from scratch. Use public transportation or drive fuel efficient cars.
Slide 22 - Venus Since it has a lot of CO2, it has a stronger greenhouse effect than Earth. The plant is about 860 Degrees Fahrenheit.