From earlier …. Cultivated traditional varieties Lower yield In early 50 th century….. Introduce exotic varieties Eg:PTB16,Sigadis,Remaga Later…. Implementation of hybridization programmes In 1958-Release H-4 (4 - 4 ½ month) Followed by H-7 (3 ½ month) H-9 (5-6month) H-10 (3 month)
Characters of old improved varieties…….. Higher yield than traditional varieties Taller Lodging Droopy leaves Poor response to fertilizers In 1970 introduced NEW IMPROVED VARIETIES Eg: Bg90-2(4- 4 1/2 month) Bg94-2(3-1/2 month) Characters of New improved varieties……… Higher yield Dwarf Erect leaves Resistant to lodging Resistant to pest and diseases
Cultivation of traditional varieties done ; Preserve germplasm Resistant to pest and diseases Use in organic rice production Have good qualities Eg: » Dewareddiri (5-5 1/2 months)- tolerant to flooded conditions. » Pokkali(4 month) - saline resistant » Suduheenati (3 1/2 month)- hardy variety » Kaluheenati (3 1/2 month) -have medicinal properties. » Pachaiperumal, Murunga(3 month)- medicinal values.
In Sri Lanka four main breeding centers Bathalegoda, Bombuwala, Labuduwa, Ambalanthota Classification of varieties done according to their age group and breeding place Eg: Bg month variety breeding at Bathalegoda Recommended rice varieties……… 3 month 3 ½ month 4-4 ½ month 5-6 month
3 month varieties Bg 300 Yield: bushels/ac Specific characters….. White pericarp,high grain weight Medium long grain Tolerant to Leaf blight and leaf blast Moderately tolerant to Gall midge Recommended for all region in the island Average yield under low fertility
Bg 304 Yield: bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Long grain Resistent to Blight and Blast Resistant to Gall midge and Brownplant hopper More suitable for water stress conditions Harvest can be used as seed paddy after 2 months as it has long term seed dormancy 3 month……
Bg 305 Yield: bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Resistant to blast and Blight Resistant to Gall midge and Brown planthopper At 303 Yield: bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Long grain 3 month……
Resistant to Blast Popular variety among Hambantota farmers Bw B Yield bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp High quality,small samba grain Tolerant to iron toxicity Suitable for problematic soils in low country wet zone 3 month……
3 ½ month varieties Bg 350 Yield:150bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Long grain Susceptible to Blast High responses to added fertilizer and give higher yield Very popular in Ampara district
Bg 352 Yield: bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Medium long grain High grain weight Moderately susceptible to Blight Resistant to Blast and Brown planthopper Very popular in Polonnaruwa district 3 ½ month…..
Bw 351 Special characters……… Red pericarp Moderately resistant to iron toxicity Moderately tolerent to Blast and Blight Popular among Low country wet zone farmers At 353 Yield: bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp 3 ½ month…..
Suitable for problematic soil Moderately susceptible to Blight Very popular in Hambantota district At 354 Yield:150bushels/ac Recorded 203 bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Tolerent to salinity Very popular in Hambantota and Matara districts in Southern province 3 ½ month……
At 362 Yield:150bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Resistant to Blast,Blight and Brown planthopper Very popular in Hambantota and Ampara Bw 361 Yield:150bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp 3 ½ month…..
Moderately resistant to Blast, Paddy bug and Brown planthoppers Recommended to Dry zone Ld 355 Yield:120bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp, samba grain Resistant to Brown spot and Leaf blight Tolerent to iron toxicity 3 ½ month…..
Ld 356 Yield:120bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Samba grain Moderatly tolerent to iron toxicity Suitable for Low country wet zone Popular in Anuradhapura district 3 ½ month…..
Bg 358 Yield:160bushels/ac Recorded >190 bu/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Samba grain Tolerent to Brown planthopper Resistant to Leaf blight and Leaf blast 3½ month…..
4-4 ½ month varieties Bg 403 (Mahasen) Yield:150bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp Medium long grain Moderately resistant to Bacterial leafblight and Leaf blast Harvesting should not delayed as grains quickly fall off when they get mature
Bg Yield:150 bushels/ac Special characters……… White pericarp, medium long grain Highly tolerent to Brown planthopper and resistant to Leaf blight Higher response to added fertilizer and give higher yield Difficult to separate grain from panicle Highly susceptible to separate grain from panicle Highly susceptible to iron toxicity 4-4 ½ month………
Bw 400 Yield:150 bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Tolerent to salinity At 401 Yield:150 bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Highly tolerent to salinity 4-4 ½ month………
H-4 Yield:80 bushels/ac Special characters……… Red pericarp Long grain Tolerent to Leaf blast Fairly difficult to separate grain from panicle 1 st hybride developed in Sri Lanka 4-4 ½ month………
Bg 407 H Potential yield bushels/ac Suitable areas- Ampara,Polonnaruwa,Anuradhapura,Hambantota, Udawalawe, Mahaweli B,C,H regions Special characters……… Suitable for both Yala and Maha Dark white, long grain Resistant to Blast,Gall midge, Brown planthopper Tolerent to iron toxicity and salinity Breaking percentage at milling is minimum Need less time for cooking 4-4 ½ month….
5-6 month varieties Bg 407 Yield:120 bushels/ac Special characters……… Resistant to Bacterial blight Grow only in Maha season Leaves are green in colour even when panicles are in well ripened stages Recommended for submerging fields in Puttalam Kurunegala,Gampaha,Colombo,Galle,Kalutara,Matara Can tolerate flooded condition even for 1-2 ½ month period
Bg 38 Yield:120 bushels/ac Special characters……… Samba type Higher response to fertilizer Resistant to Leaf blast Grow only in Maha season Rice is of a good taste Recommended for submerging fields in Puttalam Kurunegala,Gampaha,Colombo,Galle,Kalutara,Matara Can tolerate flooded condition even for 1-2 ½ month period 5-6 month……
Age group VarietyReleased year Age(days)Special characters 5-6 month Bg Resistant to Bacterial leaf blight Bg Resistant to Leaf blast and lodging 4-4 ½ month Bg Resistant to Gall midge At Recommendedd to southern province At Moderately resistant to Brown planthopper Bg Moderately resistant to Brown planthopper, Leaf blast,Bacterial leaf blight Bg Resistant to Brown planthopper Moderately resistant to Leaf blast More details……..
3 ½ month Bg ½ month Bg Resistant to Gall midge Popular as “keera samba” Bw 363, Moderately resistant to Brown planthopper, Leaf blast,Bacterial leaf blight, Gall midge Ld Resistant to Brown planthopper,Leaf blast,Gall midge 3 month At Resistant to Brown planthopper, Leaf blast, Bacterial leaf blight,Gall midge 2 ½ month Bg Resistant to Brown planthopper