Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Assoc. Prof. N.Miloshev – Geophysical Institute BAS St. Tzonev – National Statistical Institute E. Nikolova – Executive Environment Agency MoEW
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System The institutions at national and regional level responsible for the Bulgarian Emission Inventory are: Ministry of Environment and Waters (MoEW) respectively its: Ministry of Environment and Waters (MoEW) respectively its: (EEA) Executive Environment Agency (EEA), Regional Inspectorates on Environment and Water (RIEW), National Statistical Institute (NSI) National Statistical Institute (NSI)
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Responsibilities of the NSI: Combustion in energy production and energy transformation; Combustion in energy production and energy transformation; Combustion in commercial, institutional and residential sectors and agriculture, forestry, fishing; Combustion in commercial, institutional and residential sectors and agriculture, forestry, fishing; Combustion in industry; Combustion in industry; Production processes; Production processes; Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels; Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels; Solvent and other product use; Solvent and other product use; Agriculture; Agriculture; Nature. Nature.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Responsibilities of the EEA: Household heating; Household heating; Road transport; Road transport; Other mobile sources and machinery; Other mobile sources and machinery; Waste treatment and disposal. Waste treatment and disposal.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System In Bulgaria the emission estimates are calculated according to the EMEP/ CORINAIR Methodology. In Bulgaria the emission estimates are calculated according to the EMEP/ CORINAIR Methodology. Data from the emission inventory are collected at regional and national level. Data from the emission inventory are collected at regional and national level. All emission data are stored in the National Database in EEA. All emission data are stored in the National Database in EEA. The emission data are updated every year. The emission data are updated every year.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System EMEP/CORINAIR Methodology: The nomenclature - SNAP – “Selected Nomenclature for sources of Air Pollution” is based on three different levels of categories, sub- categories and individual activities : The nomenclature - SNAP – “Selected Nomenclature for sources of Air Pollution” is based on three different levels of categories, sub- categories and individual activities : The upper level (11 items) corresponds to the main classical categories generating emissions of pollutants; The upper level (11 items) corresponds to the main classical categories generating emissions of pollutants; The intermediate level reflects the structure of activities according to engineering and socio – economical aspects; The intermediate level reflects the structure of activities according to engineering and socio – economical aspects; The lowest level enumerates all relevant activities to be included. The lowest level enumerates all relevant activities to be included.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Definition of SNAP’s 1.Combustion in energy and transformation industries; 1.Combustion in energy and transformation industries; 2.Non-industrial combustion; 2.Non-industrial combustion; 3.Combustion in industry; 3.Combustion in industry; 4.Production processes; 4.Production processes; 5.Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels; 5.Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels; 6. Solvent and other product use; 6. Solvent and other product use;
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Definition of SNAP’s 7.Road transport 7.Road transport 8.Other mobile sources and machinery; 8.Other mobile sources and machinery; 9.Waste treatment and disposal; 9.Waste treatment and disposal; 10.Agriculture; 10.Agriculture; 11.Nature. 11.Nature.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Classical pollutants: Sulphur dioxide /SO2/; Sulphur dioxide /SO2/; Oxides of nitrogen /NOx/; Oxides of nitrogen /NOx/; Ammonia /NH3/; Ammonia /NH3/; Non-methane volatile organic compounds /NMVOC/; Non-methane volatile organic compounds /NMVOC/; Carbon monoxide /CO/; Carbon monoxide /CO/; Carbon dioxide /CO2/ Carbon dioxide /CO2/ Methane /CH4/ Methane /CH4/ Nitrous oxide /N2O/ Nitrous oxide /N2O/ Heavy metals: Cadmium /Cd/, Lead /Pb/, Mercury /Hg/; Cadmium /Cd/, Lead /Pb/, Mercury /Hg/;
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Persistent organic pollutants: hexachlorobenzene /HCB/, hexachlorocyclohexane /HCH/, polychlorinated biphenyls /PCBs/, dioxins/furans /DIOX/, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), pentachlorophenol /PCP/; hexachlorobenzene /HCB/, hexachlorocyclohexane /HCH/, polychlorinated biphenyls /PCBs/, dioxins/furans /DIOX/, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), pentachlorophenol /PCP/; The following air pollutants are not covered by the National Methodology: particulate matter /TSP, PM10, PM2.5/; particulate matter /TSP, PM10, PM2.5/; heavy metals: arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, selenium, zink; heavy metals: arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, selenium, zink; Persistent organic pollutants: aldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, hexabromobiphenyl. Persistent organic pollutants: aldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, hexabromobiphenyl.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Emission factors Up to 2005 the emissions of air pollutants are calculated based on the activity data and emission factors, set in National CORINAIR 94 methodology. Up to 2005 the emissions of air pollutants are calculated based on the activity data and emission factors, set in National CORINAIR 94 methodology. In 2005 the MoEW/EEA developed a new National Emission Inventory Methodology. It is developed by adapting the 3rd edition of the EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook for the Bulgarian conditions, taking into account the national specificities concerning the respective activity, technologies and equipment. In 2005 the MoEW/EEA developed a new National Emission Inventory Methodology. It is developed by adapting the 3rd edition of the EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook for the Bulgarian conditions, taking into account the national specificities concerning the respective activity, technologies and equipment.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System Dissemination of Air Emissions information Bulgaria submit the national emission inventory to the: UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP/EMEP); UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP/EMEP); European Environment Agency. European Environment Agency.
Bulgarian National Emission Inventory System
Weak points 1.Quality of emission estimates – almost O.K. 2.Spatial desaggregation SNAP’s 1 to 6 – O.K. SNAP’s 1 to 6 – O.K. at municipality level (level 3) SNAP’S 7 to 11 – bad SNAP’S 7 to 11 – bad at national level only (level 1) 3.Temporal desaggregation - bad 4.Inclusion of the full list of air pollutants in the National Emission Inventory