Open Electronic Library – from initiative to reality at the community of Kyrgyz libraries 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Sania Battalova AUCA, Information Resources & Technology, Director, President of Library and Information Consortium of Kyrgyzstan
5 th AMICAL Conference 25 – 28 May 2008 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Formation of the electronic environment for development of a science and research activity at the university, Advancement and wide circulation of results Maintenance of an easy approach to the scientific information, Dissemination of our work results Development of the corporate interlibrary base Formation training base Purposes
Implementation stages From Idea To Discussion Through Testing To Learning To Implementation 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Selection Criterion Multi-language Interface Usability and Access Integration in Current IT System Functionality Security and Stability 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Selection Criterion Future Developments and Improvements Ease of Adaptation Positive Reviews of Application 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
OEL Tasks Create Working Group Training on OEL Application Develop Framework / Structure for Collaboration Acquiring Expert Knowledge 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Develop Support Infrastructure Technical base Staff training Consultations for Faculty OEL Tasks 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Develop OEL Policies OEL Regulations Authors Contract Implementation at AUCA OEL Tasks 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Disseminate Working Group Experience and Commitment AUCA Administration Departments and Programs Students OEL Tasks 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Collaboration Information Technology Department OEL Development Testing Functionality Across Systems System Access System Security 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Collaboration Librarians Promote the OEL idea Placing New Materials Developing Policies Developing Regulations 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Collaboration Faculty Bringing New Materials Using Technologies Sharing Experience and Research results 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
OEL Interface 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
AUCA Open E-Library: th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
Collect and Store Scientific Information Provide open and free access to work of Kyrgyzstan scientists Kyrgyz Libraries Corporate Repository 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland
12 leading academic libraries Create normative base Copyright observance Interlibrary Agreement, Guidelines, Instructions 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Working group
4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Open repository of Thesis of Dissertations
4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Subjects
4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Consortium Open Electronic Library
Representation the information in HTML Cross-reference links between resources of open electronic library and electronic library catalogue New kind of materials at OEL 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Development
Agreement on the cooperation in creation of a corporate repository of the scientists works of CA countries Meeting of the country coordinator discuss the issue – Almaty, December th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Central Asia Consortia collaboration
Open Electronic Library – from initiative to reality at the community of Kyrgyz libraries 4 th -7 th June, 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland Sania Battalova