AMDB/xNOTAM Study “Study on the applicability of the xNOTAM concept for updating Airport Mapping Database (AMDB) applications“ Overview
Study Objective (A2870/05 NOTAMN Q)EDFF/QMXLC/IV/M/A/000/999/5002N00834E005 A)EDDF B) C) E)TWY Jto BTN TWY C AND RWY 07R/25L CLSD.) Enabling and demonstrating aerodrome digital NOTAMs
Main Goals Extension of AIXM to support AMDB data –Gap analysis DO-272A/ED-99A – AIXM Conceptual Model Validation of the xNOTAM concept –Gap analysis NOTAM – AIXM Conceptual Model –Prototype AIXM 5 XML schema Demonstration of study results in flight simulator
Extension of AIXM with AMDB support Based on AIXM 4.5 model and AMDB Specifications AIXM Extensions –Generic geometry support (AIXM5: ISO19100) –AMDB features and attributes mapped to AIXM entities –Added features (markings, lines,…) and attributes to AIXM AMDB AIXM 4.5
Gap analysis AIXM/NOTAM content Based on NOTAM Selection Criteria (NSC) 2+3 letters codes (subject): AIXM entities 4+5 letters codes (condition): AIXM attributes Works for subjects (MR → Rwy, MX → Twy, MN → Apron...) Mapping of conditions to attributes difficult –Often not used as intended (“XX”) –Not precise enough –Actual information only in item E) (A2641/03 NOTAMN Q)EDLL/QMRLT/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5116N00645E005 A)EDDL B) C) E)RWY 15/33 CLOSED FOR TKOF AND LANDING, EXCEPT FOR HELICOPTER OPERATIONS NORTH OF TWY M.) NSC Subjects MA MOVEMENT AREA MB BEARING STRENGTH MC CWY MD DECLARED DISTANCES MG TAXIING GUIDANCE SYSTEM MK PARKING AREA MX TWY … Q)EDFF/QMXLC/IV/M/A/000/999/5002N00834E005 NSC Conditions AD Available for daylight operation AG Operating but ground checked only AH Hours of service are…. LC Closed AL Operative LT Limited to… XX Plain language … ICAO Doc 8126
AIXM/NOTAM Gap Analysis Major Findings Gaps in entities could be resolved easily Gaps in attributes could be resolved partially NSC not sufficient for structuring, need to investigate Item E) Amount of NOTAMs analysed within this study: ~100 –Leading to ~85% coverage of AIXM for NOTAM data Conclusion –Must analyse many more NOTAMs (~200) to get to 95% –More than 99% will never be achieved A3322/06 NOTAMN Q)LIXX/QXXXX/IV/M/E/000/999/4007N01358E330 A)LIMM LIRR LIBB B) C) E)SPECIAL NOTICE: GERMANY 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP - WINNER : ITALY CAMPIONI DEL MONDO CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD MEISTER DER WELT CHAMPIONS DU MONDE CAMPEONES DEL MUNDO CAMPE/ES DO MUNDO MESTERE AV VERDENEN KAMPIOENEN VAN DE WERELD
Prototype AIXM 5 Schema Based on extended model (after the two gap analyses) First AIXM 5 implementation Based completely on GML –Generic geometry support –Temporality model based on GML “Timeslices”
Demonstration of Study Results Display temporary change in processed form to cockpit crew –AIXM digital NOTAM message announces temporary change –Visualize change information on cockpit display digital NOTAM digital NOTAM Decoder “static” database (AMDB)
Demonstration Scenario Three typical situations announced in NOTAM –“Runway closed for…” (NSC QMRLC) –“Part of taxiway closed” (NSC QMXLC) –“Obstacle erected” (NSC QOBCE) Taxi display symbology RWY operating mode restriction TWY operating mode restriction Obstacle symbols (with height)
Demonstration – Video