Cost Entry by MG for Directions Studio Cypress Creek System
Costing of Finished Goods Purchase Orders FGPOs are the orders Directions Studio places to the factories that produce the garments Costing of DS FGPOs is done by MG Macao under Company 04 NOTE: Some of the following slides will have different screen colors (browns and blues), but the screens you will see will all have the blue colors.
Glossary of Training Terms The following terms will be used throughout this training program: –Field: A box on the screen into which you enter information –Value: The information (data) being entered in the field. Example: Division number, FGPO number –Icon: An image you may click to perform a function such as select, submit or exit –(Single-)Click: Also “Select.” Hitting the left mouse button once. This will activate an icon or select a row in a list of values –Double-click: Hitting the left mouse button twice o the same part of the screen. Used only to select and return a value from a list.
Using the Cypress Creek System These are the primary icons you will use: – Search: Located next to entry fields. Clicking this icon brings up a pop-up window with a list of all possible values for the field (for example, the next to the Division field will show a list of all divisions) (Shift-F9 keys or F21 key) – Select: Located on the Search pop-up windows. You may click on a line and click Select to return its value to the main screen – OK (Submit): Located in the bottom right corner of each screen. Processes the information on screen and brings you to the next screen – Return (Back): Located at the top of each screen. Click this icon to go back one screen (F2 key) – Exit: Located at the top of each screen. Click this icon to return to the menu or close a pop-up (F3 key)
Enter your User ID and Password here Note: User ID and Password are assigned by MIS. The fields are NOT case-sensitive. Sign On
Click the check (or hit the Enter key) to proceed Welcome
Company 04 is already filled in Select Application Enter the application number for the menu or click the correct button in the menu at left
Click OK FGPO Header Find the PO you want to cost
FGPO Details: Styles Right-click on a style line Select “Change Costs”
Cost Sheet Entry: The Cost Sheet Click into a field to enter or change a value Make sure the header information is correct Scroll down to continue entering the cost
The Cost Sheet: Description The cost sheet contains entry fields for various parts of the production process: –Exchange Rate –Fabric –Pocketing –Cut and Make –Sewing Trim –Embroidery & PR Finishing Trim –Hanger Charge –Quota # –Ex. Trim Freight –Totals and Variances
Cost Sheet Entry: The Cost Sheet In this view you can use the “Opt” column to add or edit lines The “Opt” values are listed here: Enter “1” to duplicate a line, “2” to dupe it twice, etc
Cost Sheet Entry: Add Fabric Description Enter “F” in the last column of the Allowance line and hit the Enter key You must enter the fabric description for the Vendor (consigned) Fabric
Enter Fabric Description Click on a line and type the description Click OK to return to the cost sheet
Cost Sheet Entry: The Cost Sheet To see the cost sheet by section with column headings, click “Alternate Entry Mode”
Cost Sheet: View Headings You may click into the field description and edit it Note: When you change the field description text it turns to all CAPITAL LETTERS so anyone who looks at it can identify the changes.
Cost Sheet: View Headings At any time you may click this icon to refresh the calculations Change the exchange rate if necessary At any point you may click the Back button (F2) to return to the original entry mode
Cost Sheet: Fabric Click the double arrow to scroll down to the next section You may enter values in the first and second columns. Update Allowance % only in Allowance rows. Cost/Gmt and Cost/Dz are calculated by the system
Cost Sheet: Pocketing Enter the pocketing PX/YD and Utilization/Dozen Click here at any time to (re)calculate the Cost Sheet
Cost Sheet: Cut and Make Enter the Cost per Dozen for only ONE type of cut and make
Cost Sheet: Sewing Trim Enter the Cost per UNIT for trims used Enter the Quantity of the trim used per DOZEN
Cost Sheet: Embroidery/Finishing Enter the Cost per UNIT for trims used Enter the Quantity of the trim used per DOZEN
Cost Sheet: Total Trim Click here at any time to (re)calculate the Cost Sheet
Cost Sheet: Hanger Charge Enter the Cost per DOZEN for Hangers
Cost Sheet: Factory Cost Rounding Var is a system field – do not enter any value Click here to (re)calculate the Cost Sheet
Cost Sheet: Factory Cost Click “Final” to finalize the cost sheet and send it to NY for approval
Default Vendor Markups For your information, the default markups are as follows: MG Macao – 10% Note that you may edit the markups if necessary and approved by your manager.
What Happens Next Production in NY must enter below-the- line costs (Freight, Duty, etc) and Approve the cost sheet If Production disagrees with the cost, they can Reject the cost sheet, returning it to you for editing