Caspian Environment Programme Public Participation Melina Seyfollahzadeh Grants & Public Participation Manager Information Management & Public Participation Wksp in Transboundary Water Cooperation June St. Petersburg
Caspian Environment Programme BACKGROUND INFORMATION Caspian Environment Programme ( CEP) - inter-governmental umbrella Environmental Programme - assisted by International partners - safeguarding the marine environment of the Caspian Sea Funded by GEF/EU TACIS/Industry CEP launched in 1998 in Ramsar Started in 1999 in Baku Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) first in Baku and now in Tehran Works with countries through national Focal Points (NFPS)
Caspian Environment Programme ACHIEVEMENTS Regional coordination mechanism and dialogue Framework Convention (Tehran Convention) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) National Caspian Action Plans (NCAPs) Strategic Action Programme (SAP) - SAPICs Matched Small Grants Programme Priority Investment
Caspian Environment Programme & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OBJECTIVE Enhanced and Informed Stakeholders & inter- sectoral participation in the management of the Caspian environment CEP places emphasis on Public Participation In the Project Document Phase I and II Highlighted in the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
Caspian Environment Programme & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TEAM Matched Small Grants and Public Participation Advisors (MPPAs) in each Caspian countries; Two persons in Programme Coordination Unit Stakeholder Analysis Advisor International Public Participation Advisor (IPPA) Caspian Concern Groups (CCG)
Caspian Environment Programme & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES Background Analysis - Ground Truthing (GT) - Stakeholder Analysis (SHA) Strategy Setting - Formulation of Public Participation Strategy (PPS) Public Awareness - Website, E-Bulletin, Brochure, Booklet, Databases (Media, NGO, …), Networking (NGO, Media), Public Awareness Campaigns (POPs, EcoNet, …), Educational Posters, Promotional Items Grants - Matched Small Grants Programme (MSGP) - Micro Environment Programme (MEG)
Caspian Environment Programme & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGY Process - Participatory - Drafting - PCU Discussion - Consultation/discussion at regional/national/local level: - Final regional feedback - Principal agreements Regional Ownership -Voluntary Guidelines/Strategy - Flexible framework
Caspian Environment Programme & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGY Objectives Generally, facilitate the establishment of an effective mechanism for public participation in environment management of the Caspian Sea Specifically, involve public in decision-making, planning/design, policy formulation, implementation & monitoring of CEP activities Pillars Awareness raising and facilitating a systematic and transparent information flow establishing and strengthening the legal and institutional basis for participation
Caspian Environment Programme & INTERVENTIONS Interventions Issues at different levels Actions to be taken Stakeholders involved Levels: -Regional -National -Local Stages: -Diagnostic -Design -Implementation -Monitoring
Caspian Environment Programme & Public Participation Strategy ObjectivesPillarsInterventions PP Mechanism Awareness raising/Info flow Public Involvement Capacity Building Interventions at different stages and different levels Monitoring -NGOs -CEP -Secretariat of Convention
Public Participation CHALLENGES New in the region Has to be bought by the Govts Capacity Building issues Language barrier Networking issues Budget Constrains
Caspian Environment Website WEBSITE