Unit 2 Part 2 Announcements: Pre-take-off safety check.


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Spoken English for Cabin Attendants
Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Part 2 Announcements: Pre-take-off safety check

Study Aims knowledge : Learn related specialized vocabularies and practical expressions abilities : ability to make a simple and accurate announcements on Pre-take-off safety check Affection : Obtain the sense of being a Cabin Attendant

Importants and Difficulties Import ants : 1 specialized vocabularies and practical expressions 2 make a simple and accurate announcements on Pre-take-off safety check Difficulties : make a simple and accurate announcements on Pre-take-off safety check

Step 1:Lead-in what an announce ment should be made when the plane will take off?

Step 2:Samples Presentation Read the announcement on your textbook quickly, then do : 1) underline the new words and language points you think 2) Understand it and try to recite the key sentences. Sample 1: Sample 1: Greeting New Words Cabin 机舱 Avoid 避免 Interference 干扰 Mobile 灵活多变的 移动的 Captain 机长 Co-captain 副机长 Crew 全体机组人员

Step 2:Samples Presentation Sample 1: Sample 1: Greeting language points Welcome you aboard Air China flight from…to … 欢迎您乘坐中国国际 航空公司航班从。。。飞往。。。 The whole flight 飞行全程中 Do hope 表强烈希望 If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know 若有任何需要,请告知我们

Sample 2: Pre-take-off safety check Sample 2: Pre-take-off safety check : New Words Cabin door 舱门 Navigation system 导航系统 Electronic device 电子装置 Window shades 窗遮光板

Sample 2: Pre-take-off safety check Sample 2: Pre-take-off safety check language points To avoid interference with navigation system, please… 为避免干扰导航装置,请。。。 Ensure that… 确认。。。 …is not allowed 禁止。。。 Turn off …

Sample 3: Regulations for Electronic devices Sample 3: Regulations for Electronic devices : words Regulation 规章制度 Shortly 立刻不久 Cellular/mobile phone 手机 Switch on 开 Switch off 关 Sign 信号 Laptop computer 笔记本电脑

Sample 3: Regulations for Electronic devices Sample 3: Regulations for Electronic devices : language points Take off shortly 立刻起飞 Make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened Make sure ensure 确保 Secure: 安心的安全的 确保您的安全带被安全的系紧 Please note 请注意

Step 3: Practice Oral Practice: Item 1: What shall you do when you find someone is smoking in the cabin?. Cue :see an announcement about safety check

Step 3: Practice Oral Practice: Item 2: Do an On- the- spot announcement regulations for electronic devices announcement

Evaluation itemscriteriascore valuescore faithfulnesslanguage10 expressiven ess Appropriateness accuracy 20 elegance fine Word answers 20 otherInnovation; others10 TotalN/A100 Process-evaluation: 50% mid-class Final evaluation 50% practice

Summary Make a summary about language focus, new words and expressions in the specific situation.

Homework After class, just do: What do passengers have to turn of their electronic devices?