Faculty of Health & Social Care
Our Schools: School of Applied Social Studies School of Health Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences* * School of Life Sciences and School of Pharmacy merged this academic year to create one School. No change to course provision.
School of Health Sciences The BSc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science course will be offering a degree link progression route to students with a relevant HND qualification providing entry into Year 3 from 2008/09.
School of Applied Social Studies BA (Hons) Social Work – School leavers are now actively encouraged to apply to this course as life experience is no longer a requirement. It is helpful if applicants have completed some "pastoral work" during their time at School (e.g. peer support, buddy support or some other caring activity). The course is now a 4 year honours degree and students complete 3 placements in a social work practice setting.
School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences NEW for 2008/09 - BSc (Hons) Biosciences with Biomedical Sciences. This degree link course allows entry into year 2 for students with a relevant HNC qualification and entry into Year 3 for students with a relevant HND qualification.
FORENSIC SCIENCE First destination statistics for one cohort of Forensic Science graduates: Laboratory Scientist7 Police2 Mud Engineer1 Administration (HR, Oil, BAA)4 Other Employment5 Further Study (MSc, PGDE, PhD, LLB)8
In conclusion As a Faculty we are happy to visit Schools to talk about health and social care careers / courses with your students We look forward to working with you, as guidance teachers, in the future.