1 Physical program on ALICE experiment Investigation of QCD predictions about deconfinement and high energy- density phase of matter (so-called quark-gluon plasma). Examination of fundamental aspects of hard interaction: deconfinement, chiral symmetry restoration, non-perturbed QCD-vacuum… Determination of state characteristics and phase transitions in the Early Universe right after the Big Bang.
3 Theoretical foundations for searching the new QCD-phase
4 Highlights from the ultrarelativistic heavy ions experimental results, that are different from hadron-hadron collisions Strangeness enhancement Suppression (1984)
5 Hard gluon induced quarkonium breakup quarkonium survival probabilities versus QGP lifetime set(i)(ii) : lower (higher) bottomonium (charmonium) binding energy none of the J/ survives the LHC-(PbPb)QGP! (importance of p t & system size studies) probes the QGP lifetime & temperature RHIC LHC J/
6 PDF (Parton Distribution Function) PDF is a distribution of x for a given parton type (e.g. gluon, valence quark, sea quark) and gives a probability to pick up a parton with momentum fraction x from the proton. The LHC will allow to probe the PDF of a nucleon and, in the case of pN and NN collisions, also their modifications in the nucleon, down to unprecedented low x. Interesting is the following: the charm and beauty production cross sections at the LHC are significantly affected by parton dynamics in the small-x region.
7 Nuclear PDF To extract separately the quark and gluon content in nuclear distribution, we can use these ratios (e – electric charge, q,g – momentum- space distributions): at x<0.1 the ratio is smaller than 1 – gluon shadowing At x~0.1 a small enhancement – “antishadowing” Significant depletion of Rf2 – “EMC effect” Strong rise caused by Fermi motion
8 Shadowing Gluon shadowing (is a result of coherence, is a leading twist effect): at small values of x gluon clouds overlap in longitudinal direction and may fuse. As a result the gluon density is expected to be reduced compared to a free nucleon. Parton shadowing may leads to an additional nuclear suppression especially for exclusive vector meson production like charmonium (needs at least two gluon exchange) The interpretation of the phenomenon of gluon shadowing depends very much on the reference frame. It looks like glue-glue fusion in the infinite momentum frame of the nucleus: although the nucleus is Lorentz contracted, the bound nucleons are still well separated since they contract too. However, the gluon clouds of the nucleons are contracted less since they have a smaller momentum fraction x. Therefore, they do overlap and interact at small x, and gluons originating from dierent nucleons can fuse leading to a reduction of the gluon density.
9 Shadowing Pb+Pb vs p+Pb Nonrelativistic QCD predictions for pPb and Pb+Pb collisions relative pp at =5.5 TeV/nucleon
10 Energy loss Energy loss and shadowing are competing effects. When a proton enters a nucleus the first (soft) inelastic collision liberates a quark, which then loses energy via hadronisation and interaction. In the target rest frame proton- nucleus collision with lepton pair production is treated as “bremsstrahlung”.
11 Antishadowing Nuclear modifications of the gluon distribution is poorly known. There is no reliable explanation for gluon shadowing until now (2003)
12 pA interactions
13 pA interactions pA collisions are useful as a reference in which no QGP is expected while there are some high density effects Saturation, shadowing * Saturation effects are more pronounced for a large projectile * Usually included within collinear factorization by using special parton distribution functions (e.g. EKS98, HKM) Rescattering effects * Strong color field produced in the collision Heavy quark production in pA collisions is also interesting per se as a means of studying the physics of saturation
14 Glauber model Glauber model for ion-ion collisions: -nucleons in a nucleus are distributed according to NDF; -Nucleons follow straight trajectories and do not deviate even in another nucleus; -Nucleons interact according to inelastic cross- section for pp-interaction., - функция ядерной плотности Вудса-Саксона.
15 Rapidity In high energy physics we use the laws of the relativistic kinematics, but corresponding velocity conversion equation is not additive: This is not convenient because the difference depends on the reference frame in this case. To save the additivity we introduce a new variable – rapidity (y), it is unambiguously determined by the velocity: The applicable domain of the rapidity: (-c, c) The range of values of the rapidity: (-~, ~)
16 Collisions of A 1 and A 2 nuclei (in case of a proton A=1, Z=1): and with the longitudinal rapidity of pair In case of asymmetric collisions, e.g. p-Pb and Pb-p, we have a rapidity shift: corresponding to Modelling (-0.47) for p-Pb (Pb-p) collisions
17 Modelling In PYTHIA event generator, the process giving rise to contributions above leading order are calculating using a massless matrix element. As a consequence the cross-section for these processes diverge as vanishes. But the region of low is of prime interest for ALICE physics. So the approach was to tune the PYTHIA parameters in order to reproduce the NLO predictions. My task was to change the tuned PYTHIA’s code in order to allow to simulate asymmetrical collisions like p-Pb and Pb-p. The Lorenz shift was included in the program to provide asymmetrical distribution in c.m. The results are graphically presented below:
18 Modelling Statistics = 5000, =8.8ТэВ These are rapidity distributions for 3 type of mesons: Pi, K, Mu. The shift depends on the direction of the collision between p and PB and equals to
19 Modelling The same distributions for Pi-mesons are plotted on the same axes to show the difference between two possible directions.
20 Heavy flavors with ALICE (di-)muons: J/ , ’, , ’, ’’, open charm, open bottom (di-)electrons: J/ , ’, , ’, ’’, open charm, open bottom hadrons: exclusive D 0 electron-muon coincidences: open charm & bottom
21 Heavy flavors with CMS muon spectrometer & silicon tracker in central barrel & end-caps large acceptance, excellent resolution J/ , ’, , ’, ’’, open charm, open bottom, Z 0
22 Heavy flavors with ATLAS muon spectrometer & silicon tracker in central barrel & end-caps large acceptance studies limited to , ’, ’’ reconstruction & b-jet tagging so far
23 Conclusions: It is possible now to simulate asymmetric collisions with PYTHIA.
24 References Charm and beauty production al LHC, N.Carrer, Geneva,CERN High energy nuclear collisions, K.J.Eskola, Finland Nuclear quark and gluon distributions in coordinate space, K.J.Eskola, Finland Heavy flavor production off protons and in a nuclear environment, B.Z.Kopeliovich, J.Raufeisen, Germany-Russia Energy loss of fast quarks in nuclei, FNAL ROOT and PYTHIA guide books.